I want the game economy to implode

Day 824, 11:50 Published in Spain Spain by Calangao

First of all, if you have Grease Monkey and want your subscriptions back, now you can: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/69317

Sometimes I going back to what I said and how they are still valid after a long time. For instance, here is an excerpt from my article Understanding the problems of the economic module (Spanish version).

"A surprisingly large and increasing number of players that simply don't care about anything but food Q1 shows up with the war games. And when the real war came up they kept fighting barehanded. They solved the supply problem in a continuous war environment, but precisely because of them the economy don't runs smoothly without a major conflict. With all the conflicts we had the last 2 months, the price of weapons Q5 fell from 1.2 gold a piece to 0.88 gold a piece. Q4 weapons fell from 0.74 gold to 0.54 gold. Q3 went from 0.47 gold to 0.37 a piece (numbers taken from ErepTools). And the world stock of weapons is going up. This is a completely strange consequence due to a counter-intuitive behavior of players."

That was 5 months ago, way before Lana. Of course now the "surprisingly large and increasing number of players that simply don't care about anything but food Q1", also known as fakes controlled by bots, keep producing more and more and buying nothing. Now the big conflicts are not enough to keep prices from falling anymore. Maybe it is because people using fakes need even more fakes to spend with Napoleon.

That's why now I'm joining the fake behavior and, instead of buying weapons (I can't remember last time I bought one), I'll just fight barehanded. As a matter of fact, I'll give up buying food as well and I'll just use the hospital for wellness. But I'll keep dumping the market with the almost 50 productivity points I currently produce while I consume nothing. I shall only spend with moving tickets if Asturias is conquered and the Hospital destroyed. But I'll still use my salary to buy gold, so that prices fall even faster. And I invite everyone to do the same. From now on I will only laugh about it.