I've had enough of the Emerick bandwagon.

Day 857, 22:35 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok

Emerick is the one manning the horses

Ladies and gentlemen, this afternoon, S.E.E.S. officially passed the United Independents Party as the #6 party in the eUSA nation. I cannot say I'm happy about it happening, and I have a strong opinion about it. We haven't seen a party surpass the UIP as #6 for a long while. When I looked at the party list and saw that S.E.E.S was #6, I was shocked, which led me to a sense to write this article.

It's been about a week since Emerick created a party, a party that has already managed to gain over 260 members. Firstly, a quick briefing. For those who are living under a rock, S.E.E.S is a party built by "The Great Emerick". Emerick built the party from scratch, and immediately made a dominant impact in newspapers and politics all over. From what I understand, SEES was also a mercenary group controlled by Emerick during the PEACE era. Anyways, before the PTO against America was announced the day before congress elections, and people left S.E.E.S to help the effort, there were about 250 members. After blocking efforts started, there were about 230. What does that say about our nation? It says that this nation, the eUSA, will join a man because of a name he still holds but does not deserve anymore. It means that we still have faith in a man who has been sent to prison, posts furry pr0nography and is a troll to the media (though entertaining, completely anti-serious), just because he was the greatest president the eUSA has ever seen. Don't get me wrong, being the greatest president of all time is an accomplishment reserved for the gifted, but it's time for the eUSA to wake up. That was over half a year ago. Sure, I know what you guys are thinking, "who's this guy to talk about the great Emerick, he wasn't even around then" and "a half year isn't even that long ago". Well, to you I say, a lot of things can change in half a year. In half a year, for example, we had no progress in USA health care - now we have a basically passed law that will reform the whole health care system. In half a year, someone can go from super-tuber awesome ally lover president to a complete media troll. eRepublik is only 2 years old, and Emerick has been a part of it for almost the whole time. Oh, and that half year? Emerick was gone for 3 months of that. GONE, as in VANISHED from the entire game. We didn't hear from his at all, and yet, he comes back and we've got new players praying to him for no reason at all except that the elder folks call him "great".

I know I'm not the only one who is tired of the Emerick bandwagon, which seems to be destroying our nation, piece by piece, every single day that passes. In reality, I've seen people all over the nation express their distaste for S.E.E.S, including Josh Frost. Plain and simple, it's only because I feel that Emerick is a has been that is past his time. He almost got elected as AAP president after taking a leave of absence in prison! When he lost to someone who is actually active, Max_McFarland_2, he decided to cry about it and start a whole new party. People start having spontaneous orgy's at the sound of Emerick's name, and in my opinion, it's time for the new crowd to take over. Let the next eRepublik generation make decisions, and leave the oldies out of the things that keep this game alive. Why should a party that has done literally nothing manage to have such a dominate impact? Before the structuring and political views article was even released there were dozens and dozens of members in S.E.E.S. The article announcing S.E.E.S. had over 400 Votes. Emerick is a media whore, desperately doing anything he can for a way to have power, and his ways are going to have to change before I decide that mine should.