I choose Azazel Romanov

Day 3,272, 00:01 Published in USA USA by Kody5

The party supports him but what's about my opinion? For all that it matters I do indeed have one.
Both candidates are past presidents and both have done almost everything there is to do in the eUS. So neither lacks for experience but they both differ in opinion and plan.
NaZ represents a small governmental change, one i believe that works quite well. We don't need a vice president; can you name the last one that anything?
Wild Owl claims this would remove the chance for new players to step in and take the reins. The only thing I’ve seen in the VP spot do is waste potential. If a new player is fired up to do something for the game, you don't make him your vp, you make him lead a department or you give him a deputy spot to learn to lead that department one day.
There is no point for a vp and its wasted position. getting rid of this position and making the CoS position to essentially be the vp frees up someone to work on something that matters such as a department where the real work should be done.

The next point where they differ is the situation around the USAAC and the USAF. The usaac was a unit born out of frustration of nothing being done and with it the issues remained, nothing was done for it until recently. This diverted what little attention there was from one issue to another. About an entire month was wasted on nothing and nothing was accomplished. It was only recently that we saw anything out of the aac when Tyler stood down as commander. To me none of that speaks very fondly of its future success in a dying game.
That doesn't mean the usaac was a terrible idea, in fact I think it could've worked quite well with a little attention and if it was a USAF project and not an entirely new Military unit. Especially with a pretty great person in charge (Mourning Star) i think that it could actually benefit the USAF far better. That's my opinion though.

That would bring me to the USAF. I didn't have much to do with the USAF or the USAAC as a co-secdef, in fact Senry would be a better judge with these things but I don't believe our opinions differ much.
With what I’ve done with the USAF, my take on it is pretty simple. It’s not dead yet but if it continues as it is, it will die. It needs motivation or at least someone or something to give it reason again. The community, the structure, and the potential is there. It should be a shame for anyone for anyone that has worked with it that claims to want to see it succeed because it’s not. In fact, it succeeds only in doing nothing.
The USAF can be saved all it needs is someone to put effort into it.

In short i believe NaZ is the best choice to make. We have a choice between two familiar faces, both faces with strong backgrounds and a record of doing good things. So while neither would be the wrong choice in my opinion.

I still believe that NaZ will be better for the nation.