How important are resources?

Day 1,766, 10:00 Published in Sweden Pakistan by Kevin Bartholomew

I can't be the only one who tired to fight. It's the same thing over and over. But how good is an extra 20% bonus? Is it really worth the price?

It's very hard to compare countries to one and another. But I've chosen three countries.

Sweden 40/40
Poland. 100/100
Australia. 0/0

Sweden because it’s my native country. Poland because it's a big country with 100/100. And finally, Australia because it has a very similar population to Sweden.

In my latest article I made a some calculation in Sweden based on its market. Easy and straightforward. I've decided to use the same template for this article. Here is Sweden followed by Australia.

Both Sweden and Australia have 25% VAT on weapons and food. As you can see, there's no big different between the countries. You make almost the same “profit” on weapons and food companies. The only significant difference is the Raw Material companies.

I'm aware that Poland has more citizens and therefore more items produced and a more realistic price war. But as you can see on the picture, a Pole makes a lower profit than a Sweden and an Australian in factories.

Conslusion: In my opinion something has to be changed. People are quitting because there's no really "goal" in this game. Bonus regions are worthless. 3000 god of wars. Players with 30k strenght. I don't know what you think. I think everything in this game most be changed. Economic moudle. War module. Influence system. And so on. Soon it's too late. The game already got a bad reputation.

Tell me if you have two better countries to compare ( similar population and with different bonuses like 100/100 versus 0/0 )