How Did They Know My Only Weakness?

Day 790, 09:52 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

MUST STAY DRY!!!.........

I'm running for my second term under the AAP here in UTAH!

My Issues:
Taxes and the Military:
While veteran players enhanced with rank and strength make up the Military, taxes let the government put the military to work. Without proper funding we would not have the strong nation that we do today. Without it we may not have a nation at all. No stable nation = no profitable commerce. This is a necessity. Almost every military action a nation takes costs gol😛 declaring war, attacking a region, RW costs, and moving tickets for mobile units. I am completely cool with taxes the way they are. The recent changes in the Income tax on Iron to 20% was made to help encourage people to invest in Karnataka. Taxes are good. They keep us solvent and able to do things on the world stage.

Infrastructure: Fortress states and the ways we move people there.
On first glance a defense system and hospital in every state may seem like a good idea. When you put it down on paper, you get the drift that with so many states and so many potential attackers, a few regions with very high odds of repelling an attack is much preferable to many regions with moderate defenses. We've recently dug into a third fortress state in Karnataka which is on the Indian continent surrounded by our ally eIndia. I've moved there and suggest that any able bodied Citizens do so as well. Makes me proud to have participated in the vote to install this infrastructure here. Q5 hospitals give you more wellness each day. It offers the ability to fight 5x per day, and constant full health. Support of our citizens in a cost efficient and military cooperative fashion to maximize our national power of Military might and Economic power. Newbie outreach programs is a must, the learning curve is steep and the benefits of citizen growth help us so much.

I'm good with transparency. Keeps people honest. While I don't necessarily want to post my stance on every voting issue, I am completely open to respond to queries about my vote on important issues. I have no need to hide my opinions on matters. I have respect for those I would serve with, as well as for the process.

Because I don't think I will ever be able to come up with a better illustration.

My first term in Congress condense😛
Its been a busy past few weeks since the 25th. Christmas, and New Years Eve activities and then the learning curve of a freshmen Senator. Where do I start? I have been very active in the IRC and the eUS forums, and I have been learning tons. Whether they be facts, customs, or human nature I am watching and learning. I have even had the opportunity to offer my common sense in an argument on a Congressional issue. I enrolled in the freshmen congressman course at NAU that was taught by Serendipitous. I learned how to grant citizen requests under the Citizen Task Force guidelines and have utilized half my allowance of citizen requests. Immigration is awesome. I am on the Domestic Internal Committee, within the Citizen Affairs Subcommittee which I enjoy as I have habits of small philanthropic acts and mentoring where able.

I hope that you find me able and competent to once again represent the eUS in the great state of UTAH.