History Stories - Sørlandet

Day 3,432, 07:12 Published in Norway Norway by Zinitus

In the History Story of today, we shall talk about the newest and smallest of the Norwegian regions; the region of “Sørlandet”. Why newest? Because the name “Sørlandet” is a new construction, if you see it in a historical context, it appeared as late as around 1900, when a Norwegian author Vilhelm Krag, suggested the name for the region, as an alternative naming, contrary Vest(west)landet, Øst(east)landet. From long time ago also the name Nord(north)land had been in common use.

Sørlandet, also mentioned in The Total War games

But it would be very unfair to the “Sørlandians” to call them a new and constructed people. That would be very insulting to a proud and self-conscious region. You only have to describe them under a different name, the Egdir. In modern Norwegian they are the same people living in the two counties Vest- and Øst (east) Agder. Which today is the core area of “Sørlandet”. And now we are speaking history!

The first known accounts of “Egdir” (and other ancient pre-norwegian tribes) is by the gothian historian Jordanes, living in Constantinople around 500 AD. A few centuries later, according to early norse sagas, the egdirs is among the small kingdoms, fighting against the legendary viking king Harald Fairhair, in his attempt to forcefully unite the Norwegian territory around 872 AD.

Sørlandians has always opposed centralization

During the medieval times we do not have very much accounts about this area. It is not any known cities before late medieval period, when Norway become a large exporter of ship timber and specially shipmasts of oak. For the Danish-Norwegian kings of 16th and 17th century it was very important to get the control of these resources for navy building purposes. And in this time it also was a huge trade exchange specially between Agder and the Netherlands. And exchange of language too. Still today we do hear the linguistic exchange in these both areas (Sorry to you danes, but if not for the Sørlandian timber and sailors, there would not have been such a strong danish-norwegian fleet during the 1600-hundreds).

This maritime history still characterizes the world-famous (at least in Norway) local arcitecture. Still today the most cities around the coast is filled with small, white and cosy captains and seamans cabins. And a very hot property object for those with to much money lying around. But 200 years ago this was not a good place to be. During the Napoleonic wars all of Norway was starving because of the british blocade (Norway was an french ally at that time). A famous poem by Henrik Ibsen describes a starving and desperat man, Terje Vigen, with a tiny rowboat do cross over the ocean to Denmark in an attempt to bring home some grain to his starving folks. He is caught by the British and jailed for several years. His family dies, and the poem tells the story of his revenge.

Terje Vigen - a Norwegian hero

And other characteristic with the area is the strong and concervative Christianity, it`s the Norwegian “Bible-belt” with a lot of small and active congregations. Sinfull things like swearing, alcohol (some do really regret the use of wine in the Biblical last supper), dancing, female priests, homosexuality and so on, was very hesitated until these days, and still is, in many places. But in a multi-media world, this culture is under strong pressure. In the next generation, its perhaps more equal with other regions in these matters!

Not often (officially) heard in Sørlandet...

Today`s Sørlandet is, with it`s 0,3 million inhabitans, a growing region and as late as 2007 they get their own University in Kristiansand. Sørlandet is today a very popular vacation area, because of its favorable climate and the zoo and pirate park is among the most popular tourist destinations in Norway. And the most famous “Sørlandian” some years ago, was a chimpanzee in the zoo called Julius (I suspect his ancestors to be forcefully imported, but who knows…..?).

A famous Sørlandian, also supporting the local football club...

So here was a short history story about one of our regions. Hopefully you know a little more about one of the regions we do play and have funwith. And hopefully I will bring more stories about the other regions too!

Ohh! I forgot to mention the most characteristic and traditional meal in Sørlandet. Its fried mackerel of course! I wish you all a happy Easter and hope the Easter Bunny is kind to you!

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