Hello South Africa,

Day 947, 08:32 Published in South Africa Hungary by Stadler City

Many of you have probably heard my and my friends name as pirates, PTOers Hungarian invaders. You probably think we are the worst of the worst and I don't blame you for that. After all we have been through I wouldn't think of ourselves any other way. Still I am asking you to give me a minute and let me tell us our story.
As you know Hungary is an old eRepublik, we were one of the first big baby boomers and still we have one of the most active population if we compare the citizens with the IRL nation. We came a long way from being a Romanian puppet state to being a super power and declassed back to a far more modest role. I was fascinating to fight for survival and it was genuinely fantastic to become a Big player. The game was amazing back then..
But not any more. The Hungarian politics became dull and damp, the players without to do much the political arena became a big disguising arena of trolling demagoguery and underhanded tactics a filthpool where to only the greediest and the most self loving political famewhores have the stomach to dip their toes into.
Just read this article about how did our 'great leaders' handled a the Rhone Alps matters. we got fed up with this, fed up with presidents going absent on the second day of his term, fed up with the dozens of thieves who regularly steal from the common, with presidents resigning after the first breeze of hardships, diplomats ridiculing our nation ..
We long for the days when playing was fun, risky full of excitement. Where things had Stakes!
This is why we have decided to leave our home to the dogs and go around the world trying our luck. That is how we got to South Africa. Yes, we understand that our little game gave you many sleepless nights. We understand this and we apologise for everything.
For every alarm we caused for every penny you had to spend to counter us, the white streak in your President's and Minister of Security's hair, we do seriously apologise .

What we really wanted all along is to give some meaning to this game. We are old players, with huge experience and sizeable fortunes, coming from one of the most developed nation in erep, while South Africa is - don't get me wrong - a little tiny, with room for improvement.
So after much debating and discussions we agreed upon amongst ourselves that while we storm you parlament month by month all we do is wasting resources both your and ours,even if we win all we get is some money and the pride...
But this is not what we signed up for. This is not what we came to play erep for. We are builders not destructors, we wanted to be a part of thousands of people working together - selflessly! achieving a good goal: protecting our nation.

We want to do this again.

So people of South Africa let's start over on clean sheets. We have enormous gameplay experience, financial income and skills, instead of using these against you, let us be a part of South Africa. We are going to get a congress member tomorrow. As a sign of good faith, and to prove our willingness to live together, we will not give away it's citizenship to Hungarians.
Please, let south Africa be our first and only Home, you will see that we will be glad.

Thank you for patience.

Yours, Stadler City and the Hungarians