Have you given up on the eUSA?

Day 3,806, 14:54 Published in USA USA by Dariuswolff

While congress has been engaged in it's usual bitching and back stabbing, I will not name names here except to say it's the usual suspects, we have somehow lost every single territory of our beloved country.

My sadness can not be understated. As the republic fell. I reached down and grasped a handful of the last remaining free digits and electrons of our sacred home before it was claimed as spoils of war when our defeat was complete.

I tried to capture them on a magnetic bottle, but as they are fleeting, the attempt was an effort wasted, which as a symbol reminded me of the swiftness with which our collective asses were whipped into a posture of submission.

It seemed to me, that the fall of our great country had many causes. Complacency not the least of these causes. We grew fat, lazy, contented and arrogant. We were so self assured that we could handle any and all circumstances that we forgot to pay attention to the fundamentals. We forgot that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

I am not here to cast blame, nor to point fingers at flaws but to remind you all that we are a nation. We are now in diaspora, but yet, we will maintain our identity as a nation, even without a space on the eEarth to call our own, until such time as we have attained rebirth. May that time not be far away.

Since I last reviewed this article, we have regained a few parcels of earth to call our own. It has done much to heal this sick old heart and soul. I want to thank everyone who has participated in the rebirth of our nation, and recognize that the treasure and sacrifice are deeply appreciated.