Hai ku Kung Fu (Japan)

Day 1,018, 16:25 Published in Japan USA by Sleeve

As some of you may know I recently got out of Boot Camp at Fort Jackson. So me being myself, I found little ways to pass the time. This was one of them. Hope you like them. I tried my best to find ones that didn't require too much inside information.

Star Chamber is clean
I can't get more carbon off
yet he still finds some

Another Sunday
Free time creates more worries
avoiding mischief

Drill Sergeants retreat
Only behind the dumpster
for a cigarette

Some sort of bug bites
they are so large and painful
is this like small pox?

white ball contrasts dark
orange ball rules the day with
golden rays of pain

Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Consume Mass Quantities Like
in a Conehead sketch

Victory tastes like
cafeteria chicken
doesn't everything?

No wind at my back
the sun is present always
elements conspire

My motivation?
What is my motivation?
To not be yelled at.

My pack is full
Gear to keep me dry
Wet with sweat

Water is good
shade a touch better
inside is best

Wet hair is indeed
a force multiplier
for pure sexiness

Pancakes are awesome
but one thing I found out is
I like waffles too.

Unrelenting heat.
Weather and attitudes both
Sanity wanes

You bastard sun now
I put Rudolph to shame
My nose is that red

under long leaf pine
going through the brush
Compasses are shit
