Guide to Erepublik

Day 2,614, 06:23 Published in India Serbia by bigtb

This article is intended for people who are new to this game. In this article I will be mainly dealing with the GUI(User Interface) of the game. Also I will add my comments wherever necessary for new players.

When you log in you will be taken to this page(Please read description in the images carefully):

Note to Newbie: Log in everyday. Whenever you log in the first thing you do is work and train. Also complete the daily order everyday.

The profile page which is where all information about yourself is displayed. It can be accessed by clicking on your citizen name on the front page.

Your profile page looks something like this:

Note to Newbie: Strength can be increased by training and rank is increased by fighting. Both of them are essential for adding significant damage in a battle. To get more information on how to earn medals, read here

If you open the profile page of any other citizen you will see this:

Note to Newbie: Add all senior players of eIndia in your friend list. They will guide you, help you and make your experience in the game better.

In the "My Places" tab on Menu bar, there are 4 places where you can go.


Clicking on "My companies" will lead you to this page:

If you don't have a job, your page will look something like this:

Clicking on "Get a job" will take you to "Job Market" page discussed later in this article.

Note to Newbie: Don't create any companies even if the missions ask you to do so. Gold is precious. Save your gold. Which will be used to upgrade your training grounds.

Training Grounds:

Clicking on "Training Grounds" in "My Places" will lead you here:

Note to Newbie: Always train in the free training ground. Never train in the other training grounds until the are fully upgraded and you have a training contract. Always upgrade your training grounds when you have a 45% discount.


Clicking on "Storage" in "My Places" will lead you here:

Advanced Buildings: This is the place where your rocket factory and Energy Centers are located. As a new player you don't have any business here.

"Market" tab on the main menu looks something like this:

The 4 places in the market tab are discussed below:


Clicking on "Marketplace" in "Market" will lead you here:

The flag on the top right corner indicates the country whose market you are viewing. You can buy only from your citizenship country and the country where you are presently located. For example I am presently located in Serbia and have Indian citizenship. So I can buy from Indian market(the image above) and the serbian market:

If I try and view market of some other country such as finland I get this:

I can view the market but cannot buy from the finnish market.

Note to Newbie: Always buy Q2 and Q3 food

and Q7 weapons

as they offer best value for money.

Job Market:

Clicking on "Job Market" in "Market" will lead you here:

Note to Newbie: You can take job only in the country where you are presently located. Always take the highest paying job. Move to countries such as Serbia, Chile, USA, Poland as they offer high salaries.

Monetary Market:

Clicking on "Monetary Market" in "Market" will lead you here:

This is where you can buy gold for currency or buy currency for gold(by clicking the button boxed in red shown above).

Note to Newbie: Don't buy or sell gold on monetary market without consulting a senior player. Chances are you might be making a bad deal.

Companies for Sale:

Clicking on "Companies for Sale" in "Market" will lead you here:

Note to Newbie: You don't need your own company at the moment. Buy from the market or ask any senior player if you run short of funds. They would definitely help you.


This is the place where you can see details of the military campaigns going on. It looks something like this:

You can only fight in the wars of the country where you are presently located and it's allies. To fight in the other wars you need to move to the respective countries or their allies.

Note to Newbie: You should not fight too much. Initially you should just work and train and complete the Daily Order(if possible).

My Community:

By going to My community on the Menu Bar you get this:

Now this is something I would like to leave it to you to explore. Any doubts you can post in the comments. Suggestions and improvements from older players are appreciated.