Greetings eNetherlands!

Day 678, 20:05 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Sarah Voorhees

Greetings to all the citizens of our fine eUnion:

I am Sarah Voorhees, a mostly new member to this ecountry. Seeing as how the news is moving slow today, I am taking the time to officially introduce myself and my paper, The Drinking Dutch Girl.

Since coming here from other places on the web, I have quickly researched much about this eRepublik, and found it to be an enjoyable experience thus far. As you can tell from my last name, my family is Dutch-American, although I do not speak Dutch. I am a Junior in college, and my major is Business and Accounting. Being a business major, I am saving my gold and NLG to start a business here to fully experience the game. Also, I have joined a great party, the I&W, and I hope to fully run for congress during the next cycle.

As for any purpose I have for being here, it's to have fun, learn about the eWorld, and help eNetherlands reach it's fullest potential! I hope to see everyone here, in the IRC, and the forums more often. If you need any help from me, do not feel afraid to ask, just know that for the time being I am poor.

It's great to meet all of you!

-Sarah Voorhees