Grand theft history

Day 3,045, 15:22 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by Imoenbg1

Good evening everyone!

This article will be in English and English only. I will not be using anticki Macedonian created by the Macedonian brothers from Thessaloniki, Macedonia, because such a thing never existed. I will be using the good old international English language with the hopes that someone can and will understand. Well, when it comes to history you never know.

The reason is this article . Funny isn't it? It may have been the child of a very good intention by the Indian president. However, this is simply ridiculous. And it is published by the Ministry of Information of Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). What kind of information does this thing contain is beyond me. Lets just say that it could have been hilarious if it wasn't outright pathetic.

I will talk about just the question number 15 - about the Macedonian emperor Samoil and his counterpart Basil II. But here is the question itself:

"15. What's the name of the mountain where the battle between Macedonian emperor, Samoil and Byzantine emperor, Basil II took place?"

Now I know usually Wikipedia is not the best reliable source but I am gonna use it anyway - the English site this time, that deals with Basil II. Here it is. Note specifically the part "The first recorded coupling of the term Boulgaroktonos with Basil II dates from a number of generations after his death. " It shows clearly that the Byzantine people and chronists (which by the way no one can accuse of love towards Bulgaria) knew all too well who their Emperor fought against. Oh and just to mention - there are several monuments dating from the time of Samuil (including the famous Bitolia inscription from the time of Joan Vladislav, three years after the death of Samuil) where the so-called "Macedonian Emperor" clearly names himself "King of Bulgarians".

I know usually theft of anything is considered a crime. How about trying to steal someone else's history? Is this against the rules of this god-forsaken game? Will there be anyone to do his job and remove that article from the plane of existence because it is basically inflammatory towards any Bulgarian? I still hope there are decent people left.

P.S Dear Eraklev, next time when you jump into such a situation do not try to explain yourself with "did not know of the controversy". There is absolutely no controversy whatsoever. Every other country in the world (and that makes over 200 in total) agrees that Samuil is a Bulgarian king. Each and every goddamn last one of them. The only one that does not is Republic of Macedonia.

That should ring a bell, shouldn't it?

I thought you knew better.

Now, my beloved Macedonians, stop trying to steal something that never belonged to you in the first place.

P.P.S Awesome job with the new ghost boosters devs. (Just to keep it in-game related 😁