Good Morning Vietnam!

Day 743, 13:00 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Dear eRep.

Just got in from Iran and boy is my Camel tired! Helped a former eUS president obtain his last medal. And freed an Indian region from cruel oppression.

AH MEDALS that reminds me! I've not written but have had quite a few things going on. A few accomplishments that is.

Got another HW medal.
Got a Society Builder as well! The fat, short, bald guy of the eRep medal world.
Reached level 18.
Became a Colonel.

I don't know something about that nice even number of 18 makes me feel happy. Like I have reached a moderate level of accomplishment. And as I will more then likely be stateside for a little while, I joined the AAP.

If the spirit moves you, please friend Cancun. He was the winner of my most recent 'Random House Shouts'.

On the upcoming political plate is another rematch between Frost/Woxan and Jewitt/PigInZen for POTUS. Only huge difference I can see from the last election race is Jewitt's promise to attack the eUK if he wins. It is impossible to judge someone's campaign promises against someone's accomplishment in office. Attacking eUK is popular. But is it what is best for the nation in the long run?