Going on a Run (For Congress) Again

Day 513, 20:04 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

I would like to announce my running for Congress in Louisiana.

I'm not going to make some long article about what I believe and stand for or anything like that, I'm just going to cover a few key topics and let you get on with your life.

First I believe that we should buy from domestic gun companies that are willing to make a deal and sell to the government on a very small profit. If we cannot find these good companies we will need to establish a couple of companies which will make guns for those soldiers who need them and will be able to use them to a great advantage. We need to support the economy as much as possible.

What we need to do now is fight for a reason not just for the sake of it unless it is a resistance war. Now I'm not saying war is bad 'cause everybody likes a good war but that we should work throught the scenarios beforehand. I believe that the war games are a great idea and should be continued.

As for taxes I believe in the typical Conservative Party Ideals of 15% VAT/ 15% Income Tax/ 30% Import taxes. While the VAT and Income numbers can be played around with the import tax should be high and stay that way as to encourage intra-national buying.

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