Glove your Wang, America

Day 1,718, 05:53 Published in USA USA by GloveisLove

Let me take you for a ride.

I have been sitting back with my popcorn watching as the polifgts and the rest of the world duke it out. It has been quite entertaining these last few months, and regardless of where you stand, you have to admit, the tears these guys have been pouring out and the ridiculous excuses they have come up with are delicious. Part of me commends Evry and crew for giving us something to do, but most of me is just is too busy giggling.

And while we have not become closer as a nation, nor strengthened our alliance with any country, nor achieved any great military goal, it has been interesting.

But more importantly, we are at war.

With ourselves.

I told everyone I couldn’t run because of rl, but that is not true, I just wanted to see who would emerge if I were not in the race. Unfortunately, it is more of the same. But now that we can all see that Snivel and Haliman are running, it’s time to make this election even more interesting by throwing my glove into the ring because lezbianest, haven’t these last elections been more interesting than those landslides America had before I returned? ^_~

And even if I don’t win, I want you to take something out of this article, because there is a lot of truth in it and it needs to be said.

I guess you could argue Snivel has never been president and would be new, but what concerns me is that he heavily defended the past two administrations’ foreign policy and is now subtly backtracking. Regardless, what these last few months have proven are that no matter how much government experience you have, that does not mean you’ll be a great CP. As Emerick has always said, literally, anyone can be president. You just need to be competent and be able to rally people together. And any idiot can betray their ally, it takes a real leader to stand with them when times aren’t good.

Anyways, Snivel would be a step-up from Evry at least (not saying a whole lot though xd), but I went at quite great lengths explaining why their foreign policy and the way they approached it was a bad policy, but my opinions were brushed away, and now we are in the situation that we have: our allies don’t trust us, we don’t have a clear foreign policy, and we’re picking on small nations while pounding our chests.

What to expect from a Glove Presidency:

The first on my things to do list would be: ending the war with Canada and re-uniting with our bro.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I believe North America should all be one state too, but, Canada has always helped us in our time of need, even if they aren’t saints either.

But this war is a waste of time, Canada is much much weaker than us, they aren’t a real rival, we should almost be embarrassed of picking a weak nation to fight and losing the first battle of the war. I would much rather fight a stronger and worthy opponent, like Indonesia.

And personally, I am on good terms with Canada and think unity is realistic. And regardless of what you think of their elected government, we have no business interfering in their politics, especially since we have our own domestic problems. I have good relations with Rylde & Rolo, but it seems Jacobi will win and he is a good guy too. So reconciliation will not be a problem, my ego is not so big that it prevents me from thinking and functioning rationally and getting back to business.

Thoughts on CTRL

The past governments tried to bring us closer to CTRL, but only succeeded (?) in gaining a MPP with Spain. I am sure they are still intent on gaining a MPP with Poland. If the goal of CTRL is to leave the Balkans, then there is a lot of work to do, because so far I’ve seen Spain and Poland telling us explicitly that they will not drop any of their MPPs and they continue to fight for Serbia. So to me it seems that, CTRL is out of CTRL and it is something I am not interesting in pursuing so long as we cannot work out a deal for friendly nations such as Germany and France. I wouldn’t be able to think of myself in a high regard if I turned away from people who care about us and have repeatedly put themselves on the line for us for people I don’t even trust.

Foreign Policy

I am not the type of person to tell you one thing and do another. So I will make it clear, I prefer Germany, France, Portugal, Russia, Croatia, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, and the rest of those affected by our current foreign policy over Spain and Poland.

Spoland has done nothing to prove to me they are genuine about a new alliance, so until they prove to me they are, I don’t want to further cement our bonds. But I’d meet with them and see what their thoughts are and analyze the best outcome before burning the bridge.

But while we are not a member of Terra anymore, I personally consider all members of Terra great friends and they will have my support,

I am no puppet, I make decisions based upon who I know is reliable and honest, that will dictate who we reach out to as a nation and who I will work with. I gave up party politics long ago because I don’t answer to anyone, except America. But I’ll take anyone’s support, because all you are getting is what I am telling you here, my ideas, my plans. A little unknown secret is that once upon a time, I too was USWP, I was also a Lib, a SEESling, a 6th party member, amongst many other things. I don’t care about partys, I just care that you want to make America great again. If you support me, I expect it is because you agree with me. I haven’t promised anyone cabinet positions nor even offered any to anyone as of yet, so they are all available, except vice president, who is Joseph Dinero, whom I trust with my life.

Speaking of which, you can apply for a cabinet position here

Or here:

And also congrats for reading thus far 😉

Now time for me to scold you. You people need to wake up and realize this is a game. Get off Eden’s nutsack and stop fellating ONE. The reason we are stuck in a bi-polar world mentality is because you let it be that way. Take a stand for something once in your life and don’t let anyone push you around because they are stronger than you or have been around longer. You don’t have to be friends with all your friend’s allies, you don’t need to go to war with your friend because another of your friend’s is under attack by them, you do what you want to do, and if things go wrong, man up and take responsibility.

Direct Democracy

I will introduce a new style of government, something I am calling “Direct Democracy.”

A few months ago I ran a few surveys, generating about 280+ eAmerican responses each respectively. I posted the results and got an idea of where the nation wanted to go. And then we had Israel’s and Evry presidencies and lol we all know how that went.

We need transparency.

But I also want to do what is best for the nation.

So how will direct democracy (DD) work? Quite simple, I will release a form in the next article, it will ask for your citizen name and link to your profile, and there will be a series of questions, the first of which will be: who do you want to attack?

I will list all the countries that surround us an option. The one with the most votes by the time I end the form time will be chosen as our target.

And how do you know I won’t make the information up? Here’s the interesting part, the list and how people voted will be available to the public. You see, I am of the opinion, that all of you should have a say in what the nation does, but I am also of the opinion that you should be held accountable for your actions. Ultimately I am the one who pushes the buttons. So after the results have been tallied, I will double-check for any discrepancies, attack the target nation at a convenient time for our soldiers, then the list will be available for all to see. I will do it in this order so as not to jeopardize our military strategy.

Now of course, there is nothing binding me to this idea, but I want to try it out, if it turns out it isn’t very good, I can pursue goals for the nation as I see fit as always. But it is without a doubt, if people want to actually fight a nation, they put up a better fight and we see better results. This is the logic behind direct democracy, doing what people actually want. Right now I am thinking of having Direct Democracy for war-related subjects, but it may expand to other topics such as domestics and diplomacy.


-I won’t be retarded and will actually listen to you
-You get to pick where we fight
-I’ll reconcile with our friends and make sure they can trust us again
-I’ll no life this game like I have these last few months
-We’ll have a good time
-Glove your Wang, America