Garmr 4 POTUS

Day 2,860, 19:17 Published in USA Poland by Garmr

Couple months back I told these people who seemed to get some decent functions that they needed to put a cap in Cryatia's ass and base in India. And before that, to land route through Australia and NZ to border to Chile cores (remember the cocked up AS when we tried to border Chile? Could've been avoided if people stopped questioning my reccomendations and be smart like an owl).

Seems it hasnt happened, so I might as well round up the baddest of the baddest to take their bad mxtherfucker wallets back from Thailand and tell them to BxTCH BE COOL and conquer the territories of Indosneezia, NUCLEAR POWER and India.

It's not a question about how if and when, it's a question of if I can muster enough fxcks to give to bother with you boring bxstards and to put my mates in such a bad spot to accept cabinet positions again.


CP: Garmr
VP: Wild Owl

Secretaries of Talking to Foreign Bastards and Coordinating the Pillaging of Foreign Bastards and Hearing the Lamentations of Their Women: Garmr, Wild Owl

Secretary of Swole: Garmr

Secretary of Massaging the Secretary of Swole: BeachBunny

Secretary of Moniez: lol who cares we got a god damn 81 million CC reserve lmao

End of neccessary cabinet positions.