FYROM's CP: eGreece finally we found how to win in the next RW !!

Day 2,194, 11:30 Published in Greece Greece by Dr. F
After today's unsuccessful battle (RW) from the Fyromian's in Stip, their army returns back in sorrow and disappointment.
Unfortunately they have to stay for one more month without congress !!!

Their HQ are willing to find another plan for their campaign.
After many hours of meeting with the top fighters, they came in two new plans.

FIRST, they decide to hire an Private Detective.....

to watch the profile of Mithrantir if he is online in game and when he is sleeping, so to know when to start a new campaign or not.

SECOND, they decide to form a new unit with a classified role.
A unit with high risk orders.
A unit that will enter the Greek territory and sabotage specific targets...

they are determined to sabotage the national system of energy, so fighters of eGreece they will stay without internet and finally they will have some chances to win the next campaign !!!!!

Your War Corespondent
Dr.F (12Λ)

P.S Thanks & Respect to all eGreek Fighters, e- and RL Friends and Allies for their contribution in today's Battle.