Financial Update | Belgium

Day 720, 15:50 Published in Belgium Romania by Highst
Citizens of Belgium,

I will try to make this article short and straight to the point.

We will install in the following 3 days a Q5 hospital in Brussels. This will cost us roughly 300 gold. Any help we can get willingly from the outside is much appreciated. Just contact me via PM or IRC if by any miracle you, yes you the one reading now, would like to pitch in the new top-notch healthcare system.

We printed 20 000 BEF wich will be used for you, the company owner in Belgium. So if you have a company in Belgium and you want to make some money, again contact me via PM or IRC. I personaly designed 4 subvention plans highly dependant on the overall activity. So when you contact me and provide me with the details you will get your own contract especialy made to cover your needs. This will include starting funds, buying of products, aquisition of licenses, and last but not least economical advice.

Best regards, Highst.

Ps: On IRC i can be reached via the #ero and #eUNL channels.