Exclusive: eSerbia is leaving ONE and joining Terra alliance

Day 1,668, 09:45 Published in Serbia Serbia by The Other One
English version below

Ekskluzivno: eSrbija napušta savez ONE i ulazi u savez Terra

Kako nezvanično saznaje redakcija novina, eSrbija izlazi iz saveza ONE i odlazi u savez Terra.

Prema informacijama koje imam predstavnici eSrbije u savezu ONE zajedno sa Predsednikom eSrbije izrazili su veliko negodovanje nakon završenih izbora u savezu. Naime, članovi saveza ONE umešali su se u unutrašnja pitanja eSrbije što je po statutu saveza (član 14, stav 3) strogo zabranjeno. Predstavnici ONE saveza zatražili su da se kao predstavnici eSrbije u savezu postave iz eSrbije isključivo igrači koji pripadaju odredjenim strankama i koji su politički podobni za manipulisanje ciljevima saveza. Srpska delegacija u savezu negodovala je zbog ovoga i napustila čet kanale saveza, da bi uskoro Predsednik Nesako kontaktirao predstavnike saveza Terra i dogovorio prelazak eSrbije u taj savez.

Predsednik eUSA Israel Stevens vezano za te dogadjaje izjavio je da je srećan zbog takve odluke eSrbije, jer će sada Terra imati prevlast u odnosu na EDEN koji je do sada ignorisao zahteve Terra saveza u planovima za osvajanja i stavljao Terru u nezavidan polozaj.

Predsednik eSrbije Nesako izdao je saopštenje:
„U vreme velikih promena u samoj igri, vreme je i za promene medju igračima! Savez ONE, ovakav kakav je, više ne dozvoljava eSrbiji posedovanje 10/10 resursa, jer se okreće manjim zemljama, ne shvatajući pri tom da bez jake eSrbije nema jakog saveza ONE! Mešanje u unutrašnja pitanja eSrbije je kap koja je prelila čašu! U savezu koji smo stvorili postali smo zemlja drugog reda, što se ne može trpeti više! Nakon konsultacije sa 138 članova Vlade doneo sam odluku da predjemo u Terra savez, što se nametnulo kao logično rešenje! Uskoro očekujte potpisivanje MPP-ova sa članicama ovog saveza i raskidanje MPP-ova sa članicama državama ONE! Što se tičeEDEN saveza, prema njima trenutno ostajemo neutralni! Mnogo toga će zavisiti od razgovora koje ćemo voditi sa državama EDEN u sledećem periodu, pre svega sa eHrvatskom! HAIL TERRA!!!“

Prvi čovek saveza Siddy dao je izjavu za naše novine: „Ovo tužan dan za ONE savez, ali se mora dalje u nove pobede. Sad će doći do novih momenata u igri, pre svega zbog novog geografskog položaja saveza ONE i Terra, te se mogu očekivati i novi ratovi i nova iskustva.

Predsednik eRusije (članice Terra saveza) chugaystyr izjavio je da je srećan što je sa srpskom braćom ponovo u savezu i da računa na eSrbiju kao najbližeg saradnika i saborca u predstojećim borbama.

Nadamo se uskoro svežijim informacijama sa terena.


Exclusive: eSerbia is leaving ONE and joining Terra alliance

As we unofficially learned eSerbia is leaving One and joining Terra alliance.

According to information that we recived, representatives of eSerbia in ONE together with eSerbia's President expressed great deprecation after the finished elections in the alliance. Namely, members of the alliance have interfered with the internal questions of eSerbia, which is, according to the statute of the alliance (clause 14, paragraph 3) strictly forbidden.
Representatives of the ONE alliance have requested that the representatives of eSerbia have to come from specific political party's and that they have to be politically eligible in terms of manipulating the alliances goals.
Seriban delegation objected to the alliance about this and left the chat channels of the alliance. Soon after that President Nesako contacted the Terra representatives and agreed the transition of eSerbia to that alliance.

President of eUSA Israel Stevens commented related to those events that he is happy because of that decision of eSerbia because now Terra will have a predominance compared to the EDEN which has so far ignored the demands of the Terra's Alliance plans for conquest and placed them in the unenviable position.

The President of eSrbia Nesako issued a statement:
,,In a time of great change in the game itself, it's time for change among the players as well! Tha ONE alliance, the way that is now, no longer allows eSerbia possession 10/10 resources, because he is turning to the smaller country's without realizing that without strong eSerbia there is no strong ONE. Interference in the internal affairs of eSrbia is the drop that spilled the cup! In the alliance that we created, we became a second degree country, whic can't be tolerated no more! After consultation with 138 members of the Government I decided to cross to the Terra alliance, which has imposed itself as a logical solution! Soon you can expect MPP sining's with this alliance and breaking of MPP's that where singed with the country's of ONE alliance.
As for the EDEN alliance, currently we will remain neutral! Much will depend on the conversations that we will lead with the EDEN country's in the coming period, primarily with eCroatia!HAIL TERRA!!!“

The first man of the ONE alliance, Siddy, made ​​a statement to our newspaper:,,This is a sad day for the ONE alliance, but we have to keep going on into new victories. Now there will be new moments in the game, primarily due to a new geographical situation of the ONE and TERRA alliance's, so we can expect new wars and new experiences".

The President of eRussia (member of the Terra alliance) chugaystyr said that he is happy because he is united in a alliance whit his Serbian brothers once more, and that he thinks of eSerbia as the closest associate and fellow ally in the upcoming battles.

Hopefully we will soon receive some recent information from the field.


The Other One