eUSA Baby Boom Effort: Install Wakoopa, Help Out The eUSA Nation.

Day 824, 14:05 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok
Disclaimer: The information give herein is supplied with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Justin McCravok or eRepublik is implied. Any potential advertising is completely unintentional.
All important or extra links will be clickable

For those who clicked the A😛 Yes, I quoted myself for attention. But what I said was true, with a little more info at the bottom of the page.

Discover Software and Games. Games like eRepbulik, which is #38 on the Overall Game List and #5 Strategy as of this article.

What Is Wakoopa?:

Wakoopa is a service that you can install on any PC, Mac, or Linux operating system. It tracks the exact amount of software you use, including games and web apps, which is where eRepublik fits in.

Okay. eRepublik is on Wakoopa. Big Deal.
Actually, it CAN be a big deal. Since Wakoopa tracks all the software and web apps, it tracks that the user plays eRepublik. Hopefully by now, you're starting to get a glimpse of where I'm heading.

Where are you heading with this "Wakoopa"?
Wakoopa has a ranking list of top and most used software. Although it's unlikely eRepublik can reach the very #1 spot of all software (Go Figure), it CAN reach the #1 Strategy Video Game Spot. It can also push it up the video game overall rankings chart.

How does that help the eUSA?
By having eRepublik high on the charts, thousands of users who check the most played video games, overall and strategy, will notice eRepublik up there. From there, I hope that they read the positive reviews, register an account with the eUSA, and check it out.

This probably won't even work. This is pointless
I disagree. Everything the people do to support a Baby Boom is a risk, a risk with no consequences. Just because an article gets 100 Diggs on doesn't mean that anybody will actually see it. You've got nothing to lose by installing Wakoopa. In reality, the more people read this article the more significance it can have. If as many people as I hope install Wakoopa, then eRepublik should be at the top of (at least) the strategy game list for a long time, meaning SOMEBODY will be bound to find it someday. And I don't know about you, but if one somebody manages to make it to a level high enough to be a legit player, then its all been worth it.

Can eRepublik Mods ban this article?
Maybe. Hopefully the disclaimer will show I'm only trying to help our country, and help them gain users. But if Mods cannot understand that, I'll spread it around outside of the direct eRepublik website. As a favor, I ask of you not to report this article, or spam it. Thank You!

Anything else I should know?
~ I am not advertising (read disclaimer at the top of the page)
~ There are literally tens of thousands of users on Wakoopa, and tons joining every day.
~ There is no virus associated with this product, I promise you.
~ This is not a major thing. It's supposed to maybe get a few users at the least, which I hope can be at least a little beneficial. Just maybe I can make a little difference in our country.
~ To Have tracked information, you're going to have to install the program and register an account.
~ Wakoopa has been endorsed by top sites like MakeUseOf.

One More Thing:
You guys know how I found eRepublik? I found it through Wakoopa, when I was looking for new video games to buy. I'm ashamed at myself for not writing this article sooner.