eShqiperia dhe EDEN | eAlbania and EDEN

Day 1,637, 13:17 Published in Albania Albania by THE FIGHTER PILOT


Pershendetje qytetar te eShqiperise,
Po e shkruaj kete artikull per lojtaret me te rinj qe nuk e dine mire historine e eShqiperise dhe per aleatet tone te EDEN qe duan ta njohin eShqiperine me mire.eShqiperia si shtet ne kete loje eshte shume i ri, por edhe pse i ri ka nje fuqi te madhe ushtarake...Vetem nje shtet si eShqiperia me kaq pak banore mund ti bej balle eMaqedonise , e cila padyshim eshte nje nga shtetet me te forta ne kete loje.Duhet te theksohet se eShqiperia edhe pse shtet i fuqishem, nuk mund ta mposht eMaqedonine pa ndihmen e aleateve tone te EDEN.Tirana si territor i eShqiperise sigurisht se do te behet nje dite, por problemi kryesor eshte fuqia jone , e cila eshte shume me e dobet se fuqia qe zoteron eMaqedonia...por une u premtoj te gjitheve se edhe ajo do te ndodh, vetem se duhet te kemi durim dhe te qendrojme te bashkuar...Gjithashtu shqiptaret tash luftojne qe edhe Kosova te njihet si shtet i pavarur.Keto probleme te shumta paraqiten sepse eShqiperia eshte nje vend i ri ne kete loje dhe si qellim kryesor e ka rregullimin e marredhenieve me shtetet pjesmarese ne EDEN, dhe pastaj me ndihmen e tyre ta marrim edhe Tiranen prej eMaqedonise...por si fillim ne duhet tu ndihmojme aleateve tane qe ato te fitojne besim tek ne, dhe pastaj edhe ne te fitojme perkrahjen e tyre ne kete lufte qe po zhvillohet midis eShqiperise dhe eMaqedonise.


Greetings eAlbanian citizens,
I'm writing this article for the new players that don't know so well eAlbanian's history and for our allies of EDEN that want to know eAlbania better.eAlbania as a country in this game is very young, but even that it is young it has a great military power...Only a country like eAlbania with this much citizens can fight with eMacedonia , who is with no doubt one of the most powerful countries in this game.I would also like to mention that eAlbania can't beat eMacedonia without the help of our allies of EDEN.Tirana as eAlbania's territory will be one day, but our main problem is our power , that is weaker than the power that eMacedonia has...but I promise you all that that will happen, only if we have patience and stay united...Now albanians also fight about Kosovo.We want Kosovo to be an independent country.These many problems are active because eAlbania is a new country in this game and our primary goal is making strong relations with other EDEN member countries, and then with their help to take Tirana back from eMacedonia..but as a start we must help our ellies so they can gain trust in us , and then to win their support in this war that is taking place between eAlbania and eMacedonia.

Me respekt | Regards

Da White Death