eRepublik Tools ver2

Day 1,397, 13:41 Published in USA USA by Mike Ontry

eRepublik Tools ver2

A set of tools mainly to help new players buy the cheapest food and weapons available.

If you remember my first go at releasing these tools they were for Windows only. And needless to say I had gotten a lot of requests to make it available on a Mac as well. I told these people that it would take a while but I would work on getting the tools on Macs. So after 47 days I was able to learn enough javascript to create a web app that's available to pretty much anyone that has internet. It should even work on most modern cell phones. I also included a very plain version incase the main version doesn't work well on your phone.

Check out the tools: eRepublik Tools
Bookmark the site and keep it handy.

The old "windows only" version is still available HERE.
It has a fully functional Article Writer that will NOT eat articles. I'm using it right now to write this article in fact. I do plan on creating this tool for the web based tools.

Let me know of any bugs, problems, or questions.

Article published with eRepublik Tools