eRepublik Saved and Changed My Life

Day 802, 13:12 Published in USA USA by Robert Grosseteste
(Please admins this is an article praising the spirit of eRepublik and a few entities in particular as they have helped save my real life and transform it for the better, this is not RL spam.)


So a few weeks ago, can't put my finger on the time exactly, I was extremely depressed. My brother was doing drugs and about to lose the custody of his children. My mom and dad were drinking again. I was drinking more heavily than I ever had. My step-mom as always was using me as an indispensable scape goat for her problems. Though this may not be the most tolerable subject ever I was depressed thinking that because of my sexual preferences I may never have kids and may never be accepted by my parents, family, and friends. Upon all this my grades were down in school and I just had this "I don't care anymore" strategy to everything I did.

The one place where I could really be myself and people, or at least the majority of them, wouldn't care or would be supportive was eRepublik. In particular at the time I was most involved in ST6 and the Libertarian Party. If I had to vent or needed advice the people on these IRC rooms were always capable of helping.

One night after arguing with my mother for an extended amount of time trying to defend my older brothers' actions, having his first one night stand in a sort of vengeance of the breakup of a two year long relationship, my brother (this one does not have kids, doesn't do drugs, he is a Freshman at Ball State University) said to me upon leaving to go back to college "see you fa**ot." I was very depressed that night and came onto IRC, this night the libs especially were willing to talk to me. The next day with the help of the libs advice I finally came out to my mom and the next day to my friends.

Well, the next blow to my psyche came when my mother implied that I shouldn't be sure about my sexuality because I was a "virgin" ... I became very depressed thinking about this and I also found out that my boyfriend had been hiding from me that he had Diabetes. I was on the brink and had actually planned out how I was going to end my life. I guess out of a sort of last call I got on the IRC to the few people I felt understood me. ST6 members and Libertarian Party members flew to my rescue... they made me face the facts. Life would be worse for the ones I loved if I killed myself.

This is a testament to this game, this group of people in America, ST6, and the Libertarian Party. They have been such a supportive group that they were capable of helping me overcome real life problems.

Thank you eRepublik
Thank you eAmerica
Thank you Seal Team 6
Thank you Libertarian Party
Thank you Mizu
Thank you Deleruin
Thank you Clemens
Thank you EVERYONE

All these comments are fine examples of support & so I don't have to continually thank you in advance to all of you!!!

I think I may be the first one to say this in eRepublik... but thank you for life,
Robert Grosseteste

****I'd suggest to anyone that wants to take part in wartime activies and recieve an amazing eRepublik and real life support system to become part of Seal Team 6 by messaging Julian Mizu.****