eRepublik Plus - new version 0.20 and new features

Day 545, 11:26 Published in Croatia USA by Troegenator

Dear subscribers and eCitizens,

New version of eRepublik Plus is out.
In this release there is a new tool for newspaper owners that should help with editing the articles.
So, instead of just Link and Bold buttons, new buttons are adde😛
- Italic
- Underline
- Size
- Image

As a matter of fact, this issue of eRepublik Plus is entirely written with eRepublik Plus v0.20.

And that's not all. To help you figure out what version of eRepublik Plus you are using, another feature is introduced. Just move your pointer over eRepublik Plus logo and you will get tool tip with the version of eRepublik Plus you are currently using.

So, go download latest version and have fun.

As usual, please report any issues/bugs and feel free to comment and suggest features.

Kind regards,