Erepublik game info for beginners

Day 1,093, 04:46 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by The Great Macedonia

eRepublik is a massively-multiplayer social strategy game in which you get to change the world and rewrite history. Think you can do better than your country's political, business and military leaders? (Admittedly it's not that hard in some cases...) Try your hand in this virtual copy of the real world!

The players in eRepublik - also known as citizens - come from all corners of the world and number over one million at last count. And it is the citizens that control every single aspect of the game, from the policies and goals of each nation to the wars and revolutions that are constantly occurring. Events like these cause the world of eRepublik to be constantly evolving, and the political and military landscape can change on a daily basis.

For example, at the time of this writing, France has been all but conquered by Spain and Poland (hardly surprising); England has just managed to kick Canada off its shores; and China is organizing a rebellion to retake a province that was previously invaded by Russia. There are also plenty of global alliances with countries helping each other in military campaigns.

The basic mechanics of eRepublik are very very simple. Every day, a citizen can perform a work action at his job and earn in-game currency. He can also train to improve his military ability. He also has to make sure he buys enough food to keep from starving. And that's basically it! As the game keeps emphasizing, eRepublik is a social strategy game. Without embracing the social aspects of the game, you will find the mechanics and the game itself really boring.

The social aspects of the game are what makes it shine, and involve working with your fellow citizens toward the prosperity and success of your country. Every country in eRepublik has its own community outside of the game. They have forums and IRC channels where fellow citizens can connect and discuss various aspects of the game and how to make their country stronger.

There are many roles you can play in the game depending on your personal preferences. If you are interested in politics and think you can do better than real-life politicians, you could try your hand at running your country in the game. You could join a political party that shares your ideologies and visions for the country. You could run for congress and help decide how the country is run. You could even run for president and decide the direction and political alliances of your country. Elections are held every month, making the game very dynamic with things changing all the time.

If you are more interested in smashing things and beating the enemy, you could consider becoming a part of the military. Train to be a super soldier and fight for your country and her allies. Become a resistance fighter and help liberate territories from invading nations. Or become a part of your country's military leadership and decide how to defend your country and which battles to send your troops to. (Thankfully, there are no weapons of mass destruction in this game.)

If you are more inclined towards the business side of things, you could buy and run a corporation in the game. Help your country by making sure it has enough raw materials, manufactured goods, food, infrastructure and weapons for your troops. Or take advantage of neighboring countries that are at war or have under-developed industries by selling them essential goods at inflated prices. You could also run a media company and become a propaganda or recruitment machine for your country.

There are plenty of roles to play in eRepublik depending on your preferences and limited only by your imagination. Admittedly, due to the nature of such an online community, there is a bit of "epeening" and "trolling" on the various forums. If you look beyond that though, and are willing to immerse yourself in the social aspect of the game, eRepublik is a real gem that will provide you with a truly original and engaging gaming experience.