eRep Squares! Uttar Pradesh edition!

Day 754, 18:44 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Dear eRep,


FREE BEER is my battle cry against Iranians. You may have read it every now and then in the Indian or Iranian press. What is wrong with Free Beer? Absolutely nothing, in fact I think everyone can get along to the idea of drinking on another blokes dime. I've been back and forth to Iran to help with some Resistance Wars to help liberate Indian territories. This time India had declared war and attacked to reclaim their region back the old conventional way. By attacking. Many people showed up. I expected some, and certainly didn't expect others. Happy to have them come over, happy to pull off the win. team work ya'll, teamwork!

Uttar Pradesh was conquered by India in the war versus Iran

Heck Yeah!

In this edition of eRep squares I have 9 people who participated in the battle. Six of us are SEALS, all but three are from the eUS, and one is even Iranian. As it is my paper I can put myself as center square.

Top Left : AKAhorsekiller
AKA is one of my pups. He showed up and had fun in India. Proud of him, as I am all my pups who made the trip. Every bit helps, together we put up a good amount of damage. Our determination and resiliency makes us what we are. It also makes our enemies what they are; SCARED.

Top Middle : Josh Frost
Here is 'MR.SEAL' Himself. He ended up taking home not only the win, but a battle hero medal from the fight. Soooooo cute! Glad I had the serendipity to become a part of his little army. Cute and cuddly as we all are.

Top Right : Wpack10
A fellow Seal Lt. Good friend and prefers a canine avie. Wpack is one tough cookie, I mean look at that scary picture. That shows that he means business!

Middle Left :">Lowell Kennedy
Surprised me to see him at the battle. Ran into him a few days ago in one of his own articles where he made a big deal about fighting against us in Kyushu. He likes literary allusions in his own newspaper titles, my title is a bit more contemporary. I had a decent insight on that particular one because I was well read in elementary school. Steinbeck is pretty cool guy.

Middle Right :">Astra Kat G
Lovely Lady Astra now free from her Congressional bonds can roam the eWorld fighting the evil forces and banishing them into the darkest parts of the night. Watching the last 20ish minutes of the battle I was surprised then exclaimed "I know that Santa hat!". Was great you made it dariln'.

Bottom Left :">Pablo Tortilla
Friend of mine from when the eN.K was still the eN.k we all knew and loved. Before the eRussian multi invasion. We can still get together and do fun Seal related things! Even tho he found a new home in eSwitzerland.

Bottom Middle :">Sanderson
An Iranian tank. He showed up at the end. Got to see him quite often in our persistent RW efforts. Heavy hitter he is, doing his part to keep Iranian territories Iranian. You're a recognizable face to me now Sanderson! Yeah so there! 🙂

Bottom right :">HS1975
I've known HS1975 since we started going over to help our Indian friends. He is Indian, these are fights for liberation of his own homeland a personal struggle that he takes pride in and does well if I do say so myself.

Hope you liked meeting my friends. Feel free to friend them, and be sure to say hi to them if you pass them on the street or find yourself on the same (or opposite) side of a battle.

At the end of the fight, India re-gained and Iran lost a High-Grain region. A new platoon of Seal pups cut their teeth on their first mission. Soon afterward a whole new set of battles opened up and started. I hope no matter their outcome that we once again make that trip back to India to help them run off those pesky Iranians.