eRep Squares! Princess Edition!!

Day 782, 16:40 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

eRep is an international Massive Multiplayer Online game. One concept that is universal is that of royalty. Specifically Princesses are idolized by young girls and have become a common subject in fairy tales. eRep is not immune to this, and has many Princesses throughout all the eNations. Today I would like to introduce nine Princess citizens from eight different nations. I choose them from the general populace for their obvious Princess like natures, and for the fact that they are all live citizens.
They come from all over: Hungary, South Africa, Portugal, USA, Russia, Ireland, Israel, and Brazil!

They vary from levels 14 to 21 and from Field Marshal to Corporal. Six out of the nine have held a seat in Congress. This is not surprising as the ones I know are friendly and excel in whatever realm they choose to govern over. Princesses are born politicians after all. In this edition of eRep Squares I have chosen eRep Princesses and to am going to tell you some of their stories.

9 Princesses No Waiting!

Top Left : Princess Mary
Mary is our local American Princess. She is modest, friendly, and was a US Senator at one point. She choose the eUS here in eRep because she lives there in real life. Her family plays as well, which I imagine lends itself to make absolutely wonderful dinner conversations. "Q1 Bread went above a dollar! Did you see that we won in Lionking today? Honey, can you lend me 1.8 gold for Lana?" A woman after my own heart and going along with her American sensibilities, she likes apple pie with ice cream.

Top Middle : Princess Consuela
A general, with 13 Strength, This is a Hungarian Princess. The most hearty and robust variety of Princess. Princes of the eWorld be wary! I do not know if they even eat pie in Hungary. Their diet could consist purely of sausages and boiled eggs for all I know. If I have reached this conclusion in error please let me know.

Top Right : Irish Princess
The ♥ Irish Princess ♥ is from Ireland. I first noticed her a few months ago writing adorable shouts in the third person. Pink is a lifestyle for this delightful young lady. She has also had experiences in eIndia, eUS, eUK, eSK, and eAustralia. She has been rumored to have had romantic ties with Patton in eRep as well as in real life. If you need a cuteness overload I suggest you frequent her newspaper the Pink Post. The Irish Princess enjoys Pecan pie.(and strawberry cake)

Middle Left : Princess16
Dude. Look at her avatar, that skull and crossbones means she is all about buisness! Princess16 is the only one living in a nation foreign to her citizenship. She is currently Portugese and living in Brazil. I *think* they like coconut creme pie in Brazil, not sure where I heard that tho.

Center Square! : PrincessMedyPi
Here in the prestigious center square is Princess Medy Pie. Luckily I have known her since my first week in eRep. She is a spicey playful sovereign presently residing in her kingdom of Portugal. PrincessMedypi has been all over the globe in the eUK, eJapan, eUS, and now ePortugal. Also known as MedyPalin she has held seats in multiple US and Turkish Congresses. A while ago she made the list of the 50 most important eamericans. I am glad to have met her and hope she stays somewhat active. Lastly her favorite kind of pie is blueberry. GIVE HER BLUEBERRY PIE.

Middle Right : Judean Princess
The Judean Princess is from Israel. And is currently serving in the Israeli Congress. I looked it up in the story book and this Princess is of the Jewish variety, being beautiful yet stern and resolute when it is required yet always remaining kosher. In the past she has traveled to the Americas and found us to be a extremely pleasant and well-mannered people. She absolutely loves cream pie with strawberries.

Bottom Left : Princess Anne of SA
One of those Rapunzel types of Princess even though she sports a Tinkerbell avatar. She did not write me back sadly, probably too busy to respond because she was in a tall tower waiting for her Prince. Or was on the menu to appease a dragon, are there many dragons in eSouth Africa?

Bottom Middle : Princess Grace
Another eSouth African Princess. Who is also a current member of the eSA Congress, as well as sporting a Disney Tinkerbell avatar. Do I detect twins? Naw, some people probably just know good taste when they see it. I would have written something better here had I received any communication from either of them. Is there any pie in eSA? I want to know this!

Bottom Right : Princess Xena
Hailing from Russia, Princess Xena is more of a Veruca Salt Princess then her namesake the Xena/Warrior Princess variety. I was able to find out that she enjoys traditional Japanese NOh Theatre and likes playing in the sNOw. She has NO origin, NO stories, NO kingdoms, NOthing brought her to her current nation, has NOthing to share, and has NO favorite type of pie. I will assume her disposition is one of the reasons why her current level of 19 is twice as large as her friends list which is only 9. But then some people like their ladies sassy.

This was it for this edition, I hope you liked meeting the Princesses. Today we learned that all our eNations have internet royalty if you only look for it. They are all awesome, feel free to friend them and be friendly towards them as I am sure they will be regal and friendly in return. They all were living eCitizens last time I checked. So there is still a change they may respond to you.

Your faithful servant.