eRep in Maps Day 1,238

Day 1,238, 15:24 Published in USA USA by General Cornrow Wallace

Date: April 11th, 2011
Time: 03:05PM PST

I really should be working on my essay for English class. Instead, I am here, writing this article. Priorities eh?

What's this? Those shifty Canadians are trying to take our "all-important" Snookie region? Well, I say let them. Let them take all that Jersey Shore. Maybe they'll go fist-pumping in Toronto. Avoid fighting in Jersey at all costs. We want Canada to take those damn dirty tanned buffoons away.

Onto battles that actually matter, with the US failing to gain ground in Galicia, Spain retook the initiative, and once again try to boot the US off European soil, attacking the Alentejo region. Spain leads this battle 5-2 at the moment.

The Portuguese resistance tries to put their country back on the map, starting a resistance war in the Spanish held Norte region. The resistance leads the battle 7-5 at the moment.

With a standard attack on Spanish-held Aquitaine failing to regain the region, French resistance fighters attempt to retake Limousin from Spanish hands via resistance war. Spain is leading here 5-0 so far.

Having already liberated a few regions, the resistance forces of Bosnia & Herzegovina now attempt to liberate the Federation of BiH region from Serbian occupation. Serbia leads this battle 2-0 currently.

Also having recent successes, the Romanian resistance once again attempts to liberate Crisana, which is under Hungarian occupation. The resistance leads 1-0 so far.

A third resistance war, Italian resistance forces are in the midst of a battle for Veneto, which is under Slovenian control. They are not faring very well, as Slovenia leads 6-0 in the battle.

China continues their push against Indonesia, with an attack on Sumatra. Indonesia is fiercely fighting to keep their original region, and are crushing China 7-0.

Peru and Argentina continue their war in South America, with Peru attacking Southern Low Amazon. Argentina is holding off Peru from reclaiming their region back, with a 5-0 lead.

Bulgaria declares Pakistan as natural enemy.
China proposes Pakistan as natural enemy.
Hungary proposes Romania as natural enemy.
Pakistan proposes China as natural enemy.
Romania proposes Hungary as natural enemy.


I want to be the guy whos hands are used for this stuff.