eRep in Maps Day 1,222

Day 1,222, 03:09 Published in USA USA by General Cornrow Wallace

Date: March 26, 2011
Time: 02:10AM

I want to thank everyone for their feedback on my previous article. Hopefully, I can continue to bring you the best coverage possible, and will be lucky enough to maintain a decent reader base.

Today was election day throughout the eWorld, and I wish to congratulate all the winners of congress seats. I got a whopping ONE vote as a Lib blocker! He-he-he. Moving on...

The Mexican resistance force and the US were both successful in their attacks on Northeast of Mexico and Southeast of Mexico, respectively. The Mexican resistance was able to win 8-1, and the Americans pulled off an 8-0 sweep. Seems the Polish are content in relinquishing their North American territories.

Regardless of the Polish intentions in North America, both the Mexican resistance and the US forces continued their attacks. A resistance was started in Pacific Coast of Mexico, almost immediately after the victory in the Northeast. The American forces launched an assault on Oaxaca(pronounced Oa-ha-ka; small tidbit there). The Mexican resistance holds a 7-2 lead over Poland, while the American forces hold a 4-0 lead in the Oaxacan battle.

Moving on to the European front, the Polish forces were able to stave off a Russian attack on Pomerania. Russian congress passed their NE proposal against Poland, but were unsuccessful in their attack, ultimately losing 8-2. Poland is sure to launch a counterattack in the upcoming hours.

The Poles weren't on the defensive all day though. They launched an attack on Germany, in the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. This is an original German region, and the battle is currently a 3-2 Polish lead.

The German resistance force was successful in liberating Hesse, and have moved on to Baden-Wurttemberg. The Germans are leading this battle 7-3.

The French forces who attacked Thuringia yesterday were unable to conquer the region, losing the battle 8-2. The Polish quickly launched a counterattack in Lower Saxony and Bremen, which is an original German region. This battle is still young, with the Polish leading 2-0.

The resistance forces of the Netherlands were unsuccessful in their attempt to liberate Eastern Netherlands. Not demoralized, they now attempt to liberate Western Netherlands, with the Poles leading the battle 3-0.

Moving on to the Spanish front...

The Brazilian forces were able to conquer the Canary Islands, winning the battle 8-0. They wasted no time attacking the Spanish mainland, launching an attack on Andalucia, a Spanish Saltpeter region. Brazil leads this battle 5-0 currently.

The Spanish were successful in their battle against France in Midi-Pyreenes, winning 8-0. They then assaulted Aquitaine, where they are leading 2-0.

Two battles on which I reported yesterday on the Spanish front. Portugal was unsuccessful in their attack on Castilla y Leon, losing 8-3. No Spanish counterattack as of yet. The Venezuelan resistance was able to liberate Guayana, winning the battle 8-5.

Moving onto Central Europe...

The battle for North Dalmatia is still raging. There has been fierce fighting on both sides, and the Croatian forces hold a 7-6 lead at the moment.

Romania was able to fend off the Hungarian attack on Bucovina, winning the battle 8-1. No counterattack has been launched yet, but it should not be long before Romania attempts to regain her regions from Hungary.

No news of note for today. So, as always, here is some of dat TnA.