erep for dummies 101

Day 2,612, 11:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment

New players since you are here lets see few things that might help you!!!

There are few things that you need to know about erepublik.

1st It will take ages to be as strong as Romper and I am not sure that you will be able to do it.

2nd In this game you need gold if you want to do stuff but if you are smart you can take it for free

3rd You are new so listen to some older players and learn

4th Enjoy the game troll, laugh, make friends but always within the limits don't insult people because Plato is bad and most likely the others will also insult you.

Now you have just opened erepublik what can you see?

Are these alien for you? I hope not because in any other case you belong in the planet of the apes and guess what you are not member of the human race in that film.

Now since we made clear that you are human you can go to your profile

You will see something like that but with less medals and lower stats(don't be grumpy you are still a young padawan).
Feel free to explore the buttons and see their functions, just remember that in order to create a newspaper you have to pay 2 gold and you have to be 9 level. Try not to level up soon because you will be sorry for that really fast. Erepublik is the only game in this and any other universe that eventually will reward you for not doing level up in beginning. You need to stay in division 1 as long as you can in order to gain strength and far easy gold from battle hero medals. But this is for another article.

Every day you have to work and to train here is your work page

since you were a good slave like me you will go to do the most important thing in erepublik TRAIN yourself

Now that you have done your train you should feel like Rambo but we are not over yet. Go back in the main page and get your free stuff

Remember anything that is free is good.
This is more or less all you need to know for day 1. just remember that gold is like..... gold and you should save them for Training ground upgrade and for companies.

I don't know why I am here tasos maximous