Elections, War, and Time Off

Day 703, 00:44 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Sarah Voorhees

Dear Citizens of our great eUNL,

Things today have moved quickly so I will be brief. First off, I am announcing my intent to run for congress in Eastern Netherlands. For those who may not know me, I have been networking with many and attempting to take on many responsibilities to show my support for the greater good of our union. With this said, I hope you will give me a fair shot at taking an office that will allow me to continue my objective of creating a stronger union between all of our peoples.

Second, an Indepedence war has been started by outsiders in Flanders. We all must unite to quickly crush these outsiders plot to cause confusion within not just eUNL, but maybe all of the PEACE alliance. We must take this act of agression as a sign that there are still threats out there that threaten us, even in times of quiet or peace.

Finally, I will be gone for the next two days. My sister is graduating her Airforce training, and the whole family is going to see it. That being said, I may not be here for elections or the out come of the Outsider War of Flanders. However, my wishes go out to the brave warriors seeking to preserve our eUnion, and a wish of luck to all those in the congressional elections.

May we all continue to work on a path of unity for eUNL!

~Sarah Voorhees