eIran Cabinet - June 2013

Day 2,025, 10:53 Published in Iran Iran by Nader.ImmOrtal

Citizens of the eWorld, people of eIran, greetings,

I'm honored to be the president of eIran for the third time. Thanks to all who kindly trusted and supported me.
I want you all to know that I will do my very best to represent eIran in the eWorld.

Our arms are open to all the countries who spread peace and friendship. Our loyalty lie with our people and friends and our wrath to all who disrespect them.

The following are eIRAN cabinet members in the following month:

CP: Nader.ImmOrtal
vCP: SepehrMP

Minister of Foreigners Affairs Team:
MoFA: Faraz.RevengeR
vMoFA: Puya Gh
vMoFA: shilter

Minister of Defense Team:
Mo😨 Amir GH
vMo😨 Tom.Riddle
vMo😨 Nova.Navid
vMo😨 saeed vp
vMo😨 informer3
vMo😨 hasan L.CH

Minister of Economic Team:
MoE: Trio The Great

Minister of Education

Minister of Advertising
Fire Wall

Official Government channel : #Iran.gov
Official Military channel : #eIran.dist
President Channel : #nader

Thank you for your attention
