Economic Summary of Current Presidential Term

Day 1,841, 07:26 Published in USA USA by AeroGent
Global Economy
The price of gold fluctuated during the special offers from eRepublic Labs. The price has stabilized at 390.000.

Income and Expenses
An average of the cost for 1000 energy and 2000 damage at each quality level is plotted with the maximum offered salary. The maximum energy cost was $26.06 on 1841, with the minimum at $18.99 on 1829, for a range of $7.07 and a gain over the month of $4.19. The maximum damage cost was $24.82 on 1814, with the minimum at $18.44 on 1825, for a range of $6.38, and a decrease of $4.02.

Energy and Damage per Maximum Salary
The average energy and damage computed for the income and expenses analysis is plotted as a function of the maximum offered salary. The maximum percentage of salary necessary for 1000 energy is 85.3% on 1840, with the minimum at 61.9% on 1827, for a range of 23.4%, and a gain over the month of 17%. The maximum percentage of salary necessary for 2000 damage is 80.1% on 1814, with the minimum at 59% on 1821, for a range of 20.1%, and a decrease of 6.7%.