DoI - Chile, Tax Restructure and much love for New Zealand

Day 2,208, 17:38 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

From The Front Lines
The War with Chile goes on in Western Australia here: which is currently not looking good at the time of this post (we are down 33 – 0) which will leave us with Northern Territory to defend against next. This article written by ForTeaSicks helps illustrate our potential timetable on having successful resistance wars ( – Ideally additional ally help TWO will come before we reach that point where we would be able to win it on our own.

If Australia is not in an active battle, please use any firepower you have to help our friends in New Zealand who joined in our war to fight against Chile. We owe them a lot of respect and any extra firepower we can provide.

Foreign Affairs
We currently have alliances with 4 out of the top 5 nations…and that doesn’t even include Poland… However due to the recent changes in determination, many of the large nations have their own internal issues to maintain resource bonuses which is why the slowness to assist us.

The continued talks of what the world after TWO looks like is constant and more than likely seems destined just a matter of when and who.

Congrats to Csanat for winning the CP elections! His cabinet appointments can be found here:

Busy week in congress making adjustments to our financial model:
- Work Tax lowered to 1%
- VAT on weapons lowered to 1%
- Import Tax on Grain lowered to 1%
- Moving Tickets both VAT and import lowered to 1%
- Iron Import tax lowered to 1%
- New MPP With Greece

Hopefully with all of those changes to the tax system prices will go down a little while not costing the government much extra cash!

Minister of Information

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