Diving into Foreign Affairs; Interview with eArgentina MoFA

Day 1,171, 19:14 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok

Never before had I taken the time out of my day to interview a foreign figure. My anticipation of my first foreign interview was a random eArgentinian who could answer a few questions about PANAM and eArgentina's stance on the alliance. Needless to say, when I went into #eArgentina today on IRC, I wasn't expecting much. But I was shocked to see who stepped up to the plate.

The eArgentina Minister of Foreign Affairs, FlorenciaC, had been on IRC when I was looking for an interviewee. It was my lucky day, because instead of asking normal questions about PANAM and foreign affairs that I would expect any Argentinian to know, I was able to go a little deeper and dig out a little information from a professional standpoint.

So here it is, my small interview with FlorenciaC, the eArgentina Minister of Foreign Affairs.

FlorenciaC, as Minister of Foreign Affairs for eArgentina, what role have you played in the creation of PANAM and how do you feel about the direction that the alliance has taken?

During my tenure as Minister of Foreign Affairs (January 2011) Argentina left phoenix, and a few weeks later we joined PANAM. The decision of our population was divided... some people wanted to stay in BIA and be neutral, some other people wanted to join PANAM and stay in BIA, and a 3rd group of people wanted to be 100% neutral (no BIA, no PANAM). Finally we could join PANAM, although some of our population is still divided (I think it happens in all the coutries, doesn't it?), but not that much.

PANAM is exploring possibilities of adding more countries to the alliance. Are you concerned with PANAM stretching too far away from its roots of a timezone based alliance and turning into another super alliance like EDEN or Phoenix? What is your stance on who PANAM should allow to be members and who PANAM shouldn't?

Would be good if we added some european country, we just have the american time zone and theturkey/japan's ones, the problem with having just 1 time zone is that if our enemies attack in THEIR time zone they will kick our ass, but if we attack in OUR time zone we'll kick their asses

About more members, I think that PANAM needs brothers and not just members, we need real allies.

Who should PANAM add? I don't know, international panorama changes everyday, today X country is our ally and tomorrow it's not.

The Argentinian and USA MPP Stack differ greatly. Argentina is still allying itself with many powerful Phoenix/Former Phoenix nations, and America doing the opposite with EDEN/Former EDEN nations. Do you feel this will affect PANAM and do you think it will turn into a problem to seperate ties with certain nations in the near future?

It's not a problem at all... Argentina is a former member of Phoenix and USA is a former member of EDEN as well, so there's no problem with our allies, at the present some EDEN countries have good relationship with Argentina, and some former PHX countries have good relationships with the USA.

Very recently, Spain had proposed Brasil as a Natural Enemy. A day or so later, the Spaniards tried to MPP the eUSA. What was your initial reaction to the MPP Request and were you worried that the eUSA would end up accepting and sticking with their former ally Spain instead of focusing on PANAM?

To be honest, when we saw that proposal we sai😛 what the...; we were pretty angry with it, but then USA's gov explained to us what happened. The main reason of our reaction was because Spain is one of our principal enemies (and I'm talking about Brazil-Arg)

Argentina had recently become involved in a Natural Enemy war with Peru. How long until your victory, and when can I expect the eUSA and Argentina to rejoice and work with PANAM on destroying Europe?

Today we erased Peru, so they aren't our NE anymore

As a former president of the eWorld, are there any tips you can give myself and anybody who may be looking to run for President in the near future?

The only one tip that I can give you is: WORK, it's the only way to become the President of your country... with hard work, you must win the confidence of your people with it

I've been interested in approaching the foreign affairs aspects of the government. What's the most valuable thing you've learned as a Minister of Foreign Affairs? And president?

As MoFA, I learnt that a country should just have few REAL allies, that will support you whenever you need, in our case they're Indonesia and Brazil.

And as president I learnt that you work pretty hard but the people don't see it most of time... it's work for someone who really loves his/her country

I'm terrible at Spanish. Is there anything you can tell me that might help me improve?

Spanish it's a complicateed language, I don't know what you wanna hear from me, I really didn't understand what you mean

There you have it, my short interview with FlorenciaC that answered a few of my questions about PANAM and Foreign Affairs...hopefully it did the same for you. I want to take this opportunity to thank FlorenciaC for the interview, and I want to congratulate the Argentinians on a successful Peruvian annihilation campaign.


PANAM Forever