Directorate of FUN (Ministry of FUN!)

Day 781, 02:57 Published in South Africa Sweden by SoloPlayer777

I have been appointed with this large task of leading the Directorate of FUN (Franks term)...

iow, Im the new Director of the Ministry of FUN!!! HOW FUN FUN FUN! xD

So lets see how much fun we can have this term eh??


Ok, so we are gonna do some restructuring... Thus I need devoted people to help me achieve FUNNESS!!!

Thus, the following positions are now open:

1) Games Master

This person would be responsible for all the Forum Games. To make sure there is always FUN!, and an active game running. And to get people involved in these games.

2) eSports Master

We have an eSA Cricket team. So this person will make sure that we have a team to send on international leagues... Even create our own domestic league...

But is this enough FUN!???

He/she will be responsible of looking for other types of eSports... and if there are none, to create our own! Then other nations can join our leagues! 🙂

3) Competitions Master

We want weekly competitions! What type of competitions... maybe the person that has the most wins in arcade? or has played the longest? Or maybe there was something hilarious that came out in the forum games??? Or anything else that's FUN! you can think of. You decide!

4) Funds Master

As a FUN! Ministry, we also need funds... The eCricket costs 5g to enter each time... and we need prizes for the competitions... so you will make sure we have funds, through having fundraisers, sponsorships, maybe even get a budget from Frank (tehehehe), etc.

5) Forum Master

You will be in charge of promoting the forum in FUN! ways... Also recruiting current eSA citizens to sign up, and to keep people active... (we are gonna try this out).

If you are interested in any position, please PM me your application.

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As soon as these positions have been chosen, we can have a think tank and create a FUN! title for each position!

If you want to get more involved in the government/get more experience/be a good eSA patriot, this would be a great place to start!

So what are you waiting for? GO SIGN UP NOW AND LETS HAVE SOME FUN!


Director of FUN!">