Did the Kiwi Independent Party help save NZ?

Day 1,071, 14:44 Published in New Zealand Canada by Gaius Julius Caesar00

TLDR: Rough estimations show that the increase in activity generated by KIP generated an extra eight votes for Unity candidates. How many seats did KIP help win?

The Kiwi Independent Party (or KIP) has been the source of much discontent, with malice directed at it from members of the Provisional Government who saw it as a break in unity and a threat to the very safety of the nation.

It is true; the party was founded out of discontent. Alfagrem truly felt he owed no allegiance to the Provisional Government after being summarily deleted off the forums. The forum administration denies this, but whatever the truth of the situation, Alfagrem founded the party because he did not feel connected to those in power.

Then, the party grew. First Legolas555 joined, followed by myself. A funny thing happened along the way; it continued to grow. Up to ten members, fifteen, eventually twenty, and it became a top five party after surpassing the nearly empty Browncoats. The Army then ordered blockers to boost the membership of the Browncoats in the first domestic political battle of this nation’s history.

Where did all these members come from? Did they come from other parties? Were they helping block Serbians from using the other four parties as launching pads for Congress? For the most part, the answer is no.

Only about 10% of members came from existing parties and generally came because of their own free will and decision to join. The other 90% were politically uninvolved. Most were new members of New Zealand or had recently joined eRepublik. Many do not have newspapers, and many have never even served in Congress.

So what effect did this have on the election? Due to the anonymous nature of voting, it’s impossible to get a 100% accurate measure of vote distribution but it’s fair to say that the activity generated through the Kiwi Independent Party’s recruitment actually increased the number of votes received by Unity candidates.

Now, if 90% were politically uninvolved, what percentage would never have voted had they not joined? Would it be fair to say 50%? Let’s be conservative and say 30% of the Kiwi Independent Party voted in the past elections and would not have without joining the party. If those estimations are correct or close to correct, then of our 27-member party (at election time), 8.1 votes were recorded thanks to KIP.

How many seats would 8 extra votes win? That is for you to judge.

If you like would like to see for yourself what it is like in the Kiwi Independent Party, please join us!


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