Dear Argentina

Day 1,266, 00:51 Published in Argentina Turkey by Hermesus

Dear brothers and citizens of Argentina,

It has been a long time since I have moved to this country met lots of good friends which I have discovered a great culture. I would like to thank everyone that kept me feel like I am in my own home. Words can not describe the hospitality I have seen here.

In this article I would like to mention about several important movements that should be taken for a better future. As you all know that the end for small countries is almost near. Small countries reffering to no real population or low amounts of population that has local currencies in their deposits. As you all know changes will occure on the day 1,270. I believe we should take precautions to create a dominant power over this region besides Brazil.

I believe Argentina should be one of the super economic giant of the new world. As you know that rebell wars can only be done by "local currencies regarding to the original region owner". Now ePeru used to cause lots of trouble in terms of losing regions = (losing connection to other regions) and to cause Power drain. Now as we check ePeru's national deposits there are not much ePeru local currency left but there are chances that may could create rebel wars on several regions at least three times maximum.

There are currently three important regions that we need to take precautions in case anything goes wrong.

-Mid Andes

These regions are currently the most critical and important regions for Argentina. In any case if we lose one of those regions we would lose a connection to the rest of the regions we have in control.

Advice :

On those regions we should build only quality 5 hospitals on the third and fourth rounds which equals to 3(regions) x 2 hospitals (per region) = 6 hospitals. Currently hospitals are not expensive as it used to be and local currencies are devaluated.

The second major issue is that eVenezuela should be deleted in any case for securing the future. The main reason is that currently there are two major countries that are dominating this region. The concept of the game is no longer needs of massive countries as it is pointless. My suggestion is to delete all the regions of eVenezuela and only one region should be spared for them. The main reason is that they are depleted in terms of economy. If they want to liberate a region with a rw they would only have 12 chances currently to liberate it. But the more regions they have the more risk is influenced. My refference point is directed from their

national bank .

In the new economy module we will be needing all the raw materials to produce top quality items. Why don't we use this power to sell our raw materials to other countries that don't have them ? As I come from the Balkans where lots of countries need most of the raw materials that are allies of eArgentina I believe eArgentina and other state countries could do special plans by doing economical consorsiums.

Note :

Please do not write comments like voted or subbed. I am more interested in discussing these issues as I don't know the political and strategical movements of the current Goverment.

Best Regards
Hermesus (as known as Osman bolukbasi)

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