Day 4 000: Saving Private MeDs.

Day 4,000, 11:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by MeDs.
Day 4.000

Captain's log,

Today I got big L in the game but big W personally in the Irish community. Let me tell you about it...

I woke up this morning with the hopes and dreams that it will be a great celebration day.

Fuelled up my plane (perfectly planned lvl up), took the daily orders from the Military board and headed to defend the Irish skies.

Everything went as planned, clear skies and was listening to Ice Cube on repeat.

But than suddenly, a bogie came along.

Stealth fighter showing around his moves and techniques.

I did all my best to defend my position. Spend all my fuel and weapons but my shield was no match for this fighter powerful weapons.

Sweating in my pierced cockpit, my entire e-life went through my head in 2 sec. I felt hopeless, exhausted, alone and then I got a message over the radio.

I Went back to base, restocked, and fly away seeking revenge...

My brothers in arms were shouting over the radio... "MeDs hold tight you can make it. Just press fight and use all those f*cking bars that you have been saving."

I want all in with heart and soul, screaming Not over my Irish sky while pressing the firing trigger.

And then disaster struck. It was all over.

The time was up... I have lost and my plane crashed down..

Full with pride and anger my friends picked me up and went seeking revenge.

This is what being in Ireland means, this is what the game is about. The true respect and always being there for each other side by side.

I fell so blessed to be part of the Irish community and being able to name these four people and everyone in the Irish community as my friends.

Thank you for making this game more enjoyable.

Irish Army Captain MeDs.

Always in the fight o/