CP - Thank you Greece...

Day 2,381, 05:03 Published in Australia Australia by Aus Prime Minister Office

G'day Aussies,

Well that was a busy 24 hours eh? So what have we learned from this? Well we learned something that will become apparent in the coming weeks and along with allied co-operation will actually give us the upper hand in the near future as long as certain conditions and allies are behind us, yesterday was actually a successful test run. How? Well I can't say for now but the next CP will be completely briefed on the method behind my madness and as long as we can get the right allied backing we will actually do something (to my knowledge) that has never been done before in eRepublik and something that if it is indeed the first time it has been attempted will be used time and time again by other nations and will shake our enemies to the core. The future is actually going to be very exciting for eAustralia, which I know some of you older players will mock but mark my words in the very near future if the next CP agrees to actually push this method forward and gets the support you will eat your words. I promise you that.

Now, the important part...thank you, thank you to LETO fighters who supported us yesterday. Thank you to the Asterian tanks and support we witnessed. Thank you especially to our friends the Greek Government who made us their priority. There was a shocking amount of damage directed towards our battlefield and whilst it wasn't enough this time i personally wish to thank you for all your time and efforts in helping our small nation. We still remain wiped but your gestures on our battlefield is something that makes me proud to call you allies, friends and brothers. If ever we are in a position to help you then please do not hesitate to come forward and ask as we are in your debt.

All of Australia salutes you, for fighting in our just campaign, and I also congratulate the Aurora fighters on another successful defence.

Now in the coming hours the Northern Colonies of Australia (also known as Indonesia) will look to begin the payback for our attack on Java, which was fun actually making war on foreign soil but I must admit it was more fun making them wait the full 48 hours for the battle. So regroup and prepare for the assault on Western Australia and lets give them a warm welcome because after all they are our Northern Colonial cousins.

I'll write a final CP article in the coming days as I wind down the Government ready for the next lucky person who is your President, I have been approached by one candidate to run the Dept of Defence so if she wins I'll still be around, if not then I'll be taking a back seat and 'retiring' from Government duties and two clicking for a long period of time and sadly that includes the JDS. Having just reached the top 5 for True Patriot damage for Australia, and the titan rank a few weeks ago I think it'll be nice to just concentrate on fighting for once. This will also allow those that believe that my current 4 week Presidential term is the cause for the inactivity in Australia for the last three-four months (maths eh? go figure) to step up and direct Australia to activity. Whoever wins I wish them luck.

Stay sexy

Dr Hugh
Australian CP

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