Clear Intentions

Day 753, 09:07 Published in Pakistan USA by Robert Grosseteste


Here are the jobs I want to hol😛
+Ambassador to Peru
+Ambassador to Ireland
+Multi-Hunter (or whatever the name is in Pakistan)
+Minister of New Citizens or Minister of Citizen Affairs (a kind of joint immigration/welfare ministry)
+One Day Prez

Here is what I want to do:
+Bring activity to new players
+Make Pakistan healthier with a gifting program
+Make Pakistan more intelligent by creating a mentoring program
+Revolutionize the structure of the military using private forums, echos, divisions, platoons, irc rooms, spreadsheets, and forms. Mainly we need to instill mechanisms that keep responsibility and activity very VERY high
+Make Pakistan into a manufacturing paradise
+Create a developed relationship between Ireland and Pakistan
+Form a group that will perform a Pakistan census once a month

If you can hep me achieve any of the things I've cited please don't hesitate to contact me,
Robert Grosseteste

This is my playlist that I add one song to every article I write.

Gigi D'Agostino - I'll Fly With You
Gigi D'Agostino - La Passion
ELO - Mr. Blue Sky
Charlie Bit Me (Autotune Remix)
Goldfrapp - Strict Machine