Christ Died for OUR Sins

Day 2,077, 09:40 Published in USA USA by Sir David of Denton

Did you know that you are a sinner. The word sinner means to miss the mark. So if you miss the mark of perfection where do you go? The Bible is clear on this the final destination for a sinner is Hell. Yet we see many people today that have a peace about death, and we have some that fear it, and we have others that don't think about it. The ones that Fear death and those that don't think about it have a common problem they are not trusting in the Salvation of the Lord, they are just floating through their lives not thinking of the pending judgement, or they are thinking of the pending judgement and are terrified. I would suggest if you are either of those camps to give the burden of carrying those sins and fears to someone who can handle them. That someone is Jesus Christ. The Bible says he died for us while we were still sinners. That our salvation is a gift, not by works or good deeds because as sinful as we are we would bost in them. To me we must make a decision to be at peace with our lives and this is impossible without the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Until that day that we surrender ourselves to Him we are forever in bondage to the chains of our sins much like the business partners of Scrouge in the popular book a Christmas Carol. So as you go about your day and liberate e-countries from their e-enemys remember we can go to bed tonight not thinking of tommorrow, we can go to bed in fear of tommorrow or we can go to bed with the assurance of Salvation because the only one that could pay the debt of our sin has done so and then he rose from the dead to conqure Sin, Satan, and Death, one and for all.
God Bless!
Eph 2:8-10