CheetahCurtis For Congress - March 2012

Day 1,584, 09:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

Hello, my name is CheetahCurtis and I am planning to run as a possible Congress member. But why should you vote for me? I am a confident active citizen who will rarely back away from opportunities in this game. I run a newspaper which is always growing in subscribers and I am quickly developing my economic empire. I bet your now thinking, 'Why wouldn't I vote for CheetahCurtis?'

How Can We Achieve A Greater eUK With CheetahCurtis?

Firstly, I am an active, hardworking player on eRepublik. That is the kind of people we need inside our Congress. If you don't believe that I'm active, I have never missed a day of work on eRepublik so far in over 3 months. If that's not dedication then I don't know what is. Secondly, I would vote on every law that is passing through Congress and I will try to get involved in many discussions for the eUK. I will also answer many of your questions when I get into congress. This will be important because you will probably want to know what is going on in the eUK, and I can tell you. Whether it's just a message reply, or I create a whole article about it. The most important thing is the current situation in the eUK, we are constantly being wiped off the map. As you can see here, we are recovering:

We have pulled back a little bit and will likely get a congress for the first time I have been on this game. I have fresh new ideas for the eUK, which is what we need. Hopefully when I get into Congress, I will listened to more, and hopefully change the eUK for the better.
How Can We Get The eUK On The Map?

To get back on the map we need the evaluate the current situation and all possible ways of getting out. I have proven that I can do this with some of my articles. We will need to write down all the Pro's and Con's of every way of getting out and communicate with our allies to see what they can offer us. The eUK has a voice, this voice has become quite recently, but I can get us shouting.
There have been several options thrown around recently. Leaving ONE or allying with the Irish or even just waiting for help from ONE. I have heard someone say we should buy the eUK back from our enemies. I have had a look into each option and all the outcomes, and it has given me a few more ideas on what we could do. Obviously I cannot tell you all at the moment, I will message people in a few days though, but if I was in congress people would listen more and maybe accept my options. So voting for me can give us a chance.
Where's The eUK Going To Go From Here?

There are two possibilities on where the eUK's future will lead. The first is that we will stay wiped for a long time. As an optimistic person for this country, I do not see this happening. I see the second option as an achievable target which we will reach. It is that we take back the eUK. It does not matter how we do it at the moment but I know that the eUK has the capability of taking back our regions. We can succeed were we haven't before. We will be the country on top and destroy anyone in our way. But that all starts with politics, so vote for CheetahCurtis on the 25th of March!
This article was written by CheetahCurtis on the 22nd of March 2012. Please subscribe for more great tips and info.