Chat with the Prime Minister #7

Day 2,291, 17:04 Published in Australia Ireland by Skraus Khan

This is the seventh interview with the current CP of our Conuntry Mickskitz, so let's start:

1 - Some people disagree with the NAP with Chile and that it would be better to keep fighting against them. Can you explain the reasons for the NAP and for how long are both Countries talking about retaining the NAP?

The NAP I believe is a responsible measure for Australia to rebuild. While we remain occupied, many new players are put off from continuing (especially due to Chile's damage difference they can do compared to us), some citizens leave to adventure in other countries as there is not much happening here and people who wish to become Australian Citizens cannot as we cannot accept their entry without a senate. Australia each day grows weaker because of this occupation and not stronger. I believe that with a senate we can begin to start building ourselves back up to a stage where we have a stronger negotiating position as we can trade reasonably well with Chile. About 12 months ago (I think), Chile were doing about 8X our damage. In recent times it has gone up as high as 28X our damage, which shows that they are gaining strength much faster than we are. I see that this NAP will assist in strengthening our country, while keeping the gold flowing to our citizens with regular RW's which will allow for lots of BH medals. All of which is a good thing for us.
The way NAP's usually work is that each term, the CP decided if they are happy with how it is going, propose any renegotiation of the terms of the NAP and either sign it or cancel it. I believe that Chile intend on renewing the NAP for the foreseeable future (which in this game isn't necessarily very long) as it allows for them to concentrate on major battles with their alliance partners. I believe both running CP's intend on renewing the NAP while pushing for more regions. I don't know if Chile will agree to that, but we will see.

2 - Now that we have a senate and we are reestructuring our Country, what will be your last acts to our Country?

I really want to see us in an alliance before my term finishes. It is looking however more and more unlikely, as there are many discussions that still need to happen for this and the alliances are very busy at this point in time. Hopefully this can be done, but I can't promise anything. Along with this would be signing some MPP's. I doubt I will be able to get all 8 that I aimed for before my term expires, but we are working towards that.

3 - With this NAP with Chile, there is an increased opportunity to be part of Sirius. Are you talking with this alliance? How it is going?

Yes I am talking with Sirius. Now that we have a (official) senate though, I need to talk with them as well about what we plan to do. As mentioned before, the process is slow. As soon as I know something, I'll pass the information on.

4 - Do you already know what you will do after the end of your term as CP of Australia?

One of the reasons why I am not running for re-election is that I am retiring (that's for you Callumh 😛), just kidding. I have University resuming soon and my course is very demanding. This along with soccer and other RL commitments will limit how active I can be in game. I have been offered Cabinet roles (I'll let the CP hopefuls tell you which roles) in both cabinets, but I won't be able to continue the same level of activity I have been doing. My time as CP has been really fun and hopefully one day I can look at doing it again, but for me to put in the time which I see as required to do a good job, I don't know when I'll have that much time again.
I want to stay active, but just not the crazy CP active as I have been.

5 - Can you summarize what your Government has done in this last week for the good of our Country?

We have organised to have a senate and establish the NAP. Things have quietened down a bit as they often do leading up to the end of term, but hopefully we will be able to check off a few more things.

So, to finish the interview, do you have anything to say?

I really want to thank everyone for your support this term. My approval rating is very generously high, and I am glad that the large majority appreciate the work I have been credited for. I appreciate the honesty and passion that has been shown when debating issues and if it weren't for this community, it wouldn't have been anywhere near as productive or fun as it has been. I also want to thank everyone for constantly putting up articles. Although I make a note to read EVERY single article produced by fellow Aussies as soon as they come out, it has been a pleasure rather than a burden. Thanks also to you Skraus for your constant support. Without you my communication would be much more difficult.