Chat with the Prime Minister #6

Day 2,282, 17:40 Published in Australia Ireland by Skraus Khan

This is the sixth Chat with the Prime Minister Mickskitz, so let's start:

1 - Everyone is talking about the two alliances (Sirius and Asteria), do you have any opinion about them? Which alliance do you think is better for our Country?

Both alliances could be very good for our country. They will both be very strong, and I think they will be a lot more equal than the previous alliance battles. It is a hard call as we have friends on both sides, but we do not have an option to join both. I think with our close ties with Sirius we might go that way, but there is still a way to go.

2 - What can you tell us about the world situation in this moment? Do we have any chance to be free?

The honest truth is in the short term, no I don't think we can be free. What will determine our freedom is the other alliances stance towards the Chile alliance. Chile have stated that their alliance will be pro Sirius, which might open them up to attacks from nations like Arg (but the opposite could just as easily happen). What might be possible is freeing a region to get a senate. The long term freedom will depend on what the other nations do with Chile. If Chile is under attack, then the options may arise, but I don't expect this to occur before the end of the month.

3 - Do you think that it will be possible to get senate this month? We succeeded in this last election for PP which has avoided PTO threat, so this should not be a reason not to try to get a Senate.

It is hard to say for certain, with the new changes Plato has made to the division, we cannot be sure what is required for us to beat Chile yet. We have only had a few hours of fighting (at the time of writing this), and generally Chile continued to dominate us. I have asked Chile to "give" back one of our regions for congress, as there are some benefits to them with us having more money flowing through our economy. They are discussing this with their congress, but I won't be holding my breath. We will fight to try and secure a congress in time for the election, but I won't make any promises yet.

4 - This last month was very good in terms of activity in our Country, but know we need to search for new players. Don't you think that we need a ''baby boom''?

One other thing that happened this week, is that we seemed to have a semi baby boom which was noticed particularly in the ADF growing by over a full regiment. The activity this week has been great, with very few times the top 5 articles has not being overflowing which is great. I hope we can keep this up! Many of the players who joined the ADF are returning players which is promising as well. I would like a baby boom to happen as I feel we could support it, but I am personally not sure how to attract people outside the game in.

5 - Can you summarize what your Government has done in this last week for the good of our Country?

Continuing with the alliance work, but the biggest achievement was getting rid of the PTO's within our parties. We now only have 1 party with PTO leadership which is the Pride Party, but that was to be expected. We have effectively removed 3 PTO threats from the nation which is GREAT!

So, to finish the interview, do you have anything to say?

2 Special mentions.

Firstly to Cyber Casper who generously donated about a BILLION gold to the JDS (not that much, but lots), which has allowed it to continue to fund without costing the government funds.

Secondly to Dr Hugh Jardon and the rest of the cabinet who managed the helm for a few days as I was not able to get to a computer over the last weekend. It is great when you can rely on your departments to manage themselves without disappearing from activity as has been seen to happen before.