Chat with the Prime Minister #4

Day 2,268, 01:55 Published in Australia Ireland by Skraus Khan

First of all i want to thank Mickskitz that accepted to be part of the ''Chat with the Prime Minister'' and this is the last chat in this term, so let's start:

1 - Now that we are in the end of this term, can you list what kind of actions you did and that really contributed for our Country?

I really wanted to focus on player retention and activity, and I think that we have had a good activity level this month. We stood up and showed Chile that we are not easy beats, and that we will not be oppressed forever. We have worked with allies all to weaken Chile's position (financially). We have established a anti-pto program to work on removing the PTO threat to our nation so that we can hopefully safely gain a congress in the near future. We have regained control of nearly all our orgs (4 out of 24 remaining) as well. We have been involved in numerous discussions with other nations in regards to our future alliance plans, and are hopefully setting ourselves up in a strong way to secure a sustainable future.

2 - Can you tell us what kind actions do you have in mind for the next term if you get elected?

Firstly I want to sort out which alliance we go into. This will be done as part of a detailed discussion within the cabinet next month and the Senate who we are putting in place will assist us with this as well. The rest will be much of the same with regular comps and games. Once the alliance stuff has been sorted, we will likely either work with Chile on the release of our regions, or having coordinated fights to push them to do lots of damage, and spend lots of money. I have no intention of letting Chile’s occupation of us be profitable for them.

3 - Some people are talking about the importance of a baby boom, do you think it is possible this month?

Baby booms are hard to achieve when the nation is wiped. Few people want to play a game where they start off on the "losing" side. What I hope to do is increase player retention. We have 5-10 new people log into the game within Aus each month, and I hope to keep as many of them involved as I can, with programs like the JDS and the ADF. I know we have been having some good success with these programs, and I hope that the success will continue.

4 - We need to have at least two candidats for this next run, because with this PTO, if we get a senate in this month, we will have a problem, don't you think?

Yes, absolutely. In James Rellori’s recent poll, even though most people have been happy with my term, a large majority don’t like the fact that I am running unopposed. I am one of those people. I don’t wish to be unopposed. I would rather have someone chomping at the bit to get in as CP, but there is very little I can do about that. People’s time will determine what they can contribute to the game, and some people have very little ambition when it comes to politics in this game.
Fortunately it does not look like we will be at risk (due to me being the only candidate), even if we do get a senate. My concern was that the PTO’ers were going to put a candidate up which would mean if I was impeached then they would have complete control. As they are not putting anyone forward, it means they wouldn’t get control of the CP chair. I am not sure about the exact game mechanics, but I imagine if I was impeached that there would either be a new CP election, or the vCP (Hugh) would take over, or the last CP (Csanat) would take over. None of which I see as a risk.

So, to finish the last interview of this term, do you have anything to say?

I just want to thank my cabinet for being so supportive of me this month, and continuing to work hard throughout the month. It has made my life very easy and I look forward to working with you again over the coming month.

So guys, tomorrow we will have the election for our CP, so don't forget to vote!