Cats and dogs....the true story

Day 1,220, 07:29 Published in Greece Greece by salonikiosss

Some time ago 2 good friends (Turkey and FYROM--FAKE yugoslavian republik of macedonia) decided to declare their kind (cats) the queens of the jungle. In order to do this they realised that they should show their strength against their neigboors the dogs (Greece).

They did evertything they could to prevail.

Sadly for them it was not good enough. They suffered a vicious defeat.

After many unlucky attempts to regroup their brilliant minds found a secret weapon to beat the dogs....

And decided to fight the mother of all fights!!!

Yesterday they made some great victories....

Untill of course the time that the dogs of war will be unleased

and the will go back again to be the sweet little kittens they are used to be....