Canterbury is Australian

Day 1,351, 06:24 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

Earlier today, Australia and its allies defeated eNew Zealand and its Servian allies in the battle for Canterbury.

The result of this is that Australia now controls one of the "New Zealand" home regions.

At least, that is how it would seem at first.

Then again, if you think about it, Canterbury was Australian all along.

Recognise these folks? They're the CANTERBURY Bulldogs. And they're from Sydney.

What I guess I'm saying is ... eAustralia - keep fighting the good fight, and keep killing Kiwis.

After THEY decided that they wanted to give up their pretence of a training war, we kicked them out of the NSW in a Resistance War, Northern Territory in an epic MPP battle that went down to the wire, and a Resistance War in Queensland.

Today, we won EVERY SINGLE MINIBATTLE in Canterbury.

Your move, eNZ.
Oh, and also...


p.s. Keep up the good work eAustralia. At this rate, we'll have Sorlandet returned by the end of the year o7