Canterbury is a battle for eNew Zealand to Win in the Training War

Day 1,234, 19:35 Published in Australia Australia by venja

As part of our ongoing training war with eNewZealand, we attack each with the intention of letting the other party win so that they can then counterattack us in a continuing cycle.

Last night we attacked Canterbury with the intention of letting eNew Zealand win the battle which allows them to then counterattack one of our regions. Next they will attack us but we will win that battle, again allowing us to counterattack.

These battles give us ongoing training opportunties and are especially valuable since we get a 10% Natural enemy bonus.

For the training wars to operate succussfully though, we must not actually win our attacking battles such as the current attack on Canterbury. When we are attacking, please do not fight if we get to 50% - allow eNZ to maintain their 50% for points.
