Canada Needs More

Day 439, 14:18 Published in Canada Canada by Bruck

What is leadership? What makes a good leader? Why do some fail where others succeed?

To be honest I never thought I would ever be here, running for Prime Minister of eCanada. It’s just not something that I had any ambition to do. I was always more of the soldier type, serving, accomplishing the mission, making sure Canada came out on top. I had never really planned on being President, until one day the idea was thrust upon me.

I guess you could say that I was conscripted to run for public office. It was shortly after Canada’s defeat at the hands of France that I was approached by a group of Canadians who worried about the path that Canada was taking. At first I thought it was just the boys being boys, but as time went on what they were saying started to make sense to me. After a while I started to seriously consider their calls for me to throw my hat in the ring. They made me understand that my duty to Canada extended beyond just leading our military.

What I bring to Canada is more than just political ambition. I am not a politician, as most of you already can probably tell. I am not here to see my Presidency medal light up. I am not here to glorify myself with statues and songs. Most of you had probably never heard of me unless you were in the CAF. I am here for Canada, and I am here to apply the lessons that we so painfully learned together as a nation over the past few months.

What do I bring to the office of Prime Minister? I bring leadership, I bring a fresh perspective, I bring a reliable presence, I bring a burning sense of duty, but most important of all I bring a commitment to the idea that Canada can and will be everything that we have ceaselessly fought on foreign shores to ensure. That Canada should be a force in this world. That Canada can be more than it is, and will be more than we could ever dream. I will always be around to make it a reality.

In the end I guess I am just an old soldier on one last mission. But this time it’s not to secure some stretch of land in France or Australia, rather my mission is to secure a brighter future for all of us. Secure it for me, for you, for older players, for newer players, for all of us.
Honour, Duty, Valour, Sacrifice; these are the things that I know best.

My name is Bruck, I am your General, and in a few days I want to be your Prime Minister.

Have any questions, comments, or complaints that you think I should hear? Or maybe you just want someone to talk to? Shoot me a PM, I’m here to listen.

I would also like to take this opportunity to release my proposed Cabinet

Prime Minister-Bruck
Deputy Prime Minister-Phineas Gage
Minister of Defense-Derakor
Minister of Finance- Alexander Rearden
Minister of Social Services-Emilio Sanchez
Minister of Foreign and ATLANTIS Affairs-Phineas Gage
Minister of Communication and Heritage-Dominik
Minister of Education-John Wilkmot
Minister of Immigration and Industry-TBA